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Revision 3938a37e

Von Christian Ehringfeld vor mehr als 8 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 3938a37e7d3645d2317c6d51f3060f5e47b3806b
  • Vorgänger 85946434
  • Nachfolger f3939e09


Unterschiede anzeigen:

bool create(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> entities,
const bool persistRelations = true, const bool validate = true,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false);
* @brief EntityManager::create
* Will persist an entity in the database. Before its persisted it has the id -1(invalid id). If database persisting was succesfull it has a valid id.
* @param entity
* @param persistRelations
* @param checkDuplicate
* @param validate
* @return
bool create(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const bool persistRelations = true,
const bool checkDuplicate = false, const bool validate = true,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false) ;
* @brief EntityManager::save
* If the entity has no valid ID, this method will call the create() method. Else it would call the merge method.
* @param entity
* @param persistRelations
* @param ignoreHasChanged
* @param validate
* @return bool
bool save(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const bool persistRelations = true,
const bool ignoreHasChanged = false, const bool validate = true,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false);
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> convert(QList<QHash<QString, QVariant> > maps,
const char *classname, const bool refresh = false,
const bool resolveRelations = true);
@todo wait for Qt 5.5.1
void missingManyToManyTable(const QString &tblName,
const QSharedPointer<Entity> &e, const Relation &r);
static QStringList connectionNames;
static QHash<QString, EntityManager *> instances;
QSharedPointer<Logger> logger;
QString id;
QSharedPointer<Schema> schema;
static void setConnectionNames(QStringList list);

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