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Revision 8a706d3e

Von Christian Ehringfeld vor mehr als 8 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 8a706d3ec698d5db38fb78de46803e3872f6eeae
  • Vorgänger 34233707
  • Nachfolger 519b2fe3


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#include "comparevalidator.h"
using namespace CuteEntityManager;
CompareValidator::CompareValidator() : Validator() {
ErrorMsg CompareValidator::validateParam(QVariant value, Param param) const {
if (param.getName().isEmpty()) {
return ErrorMsg("", "No operator set.");
if (param.getName() == "==" && value != param.getValue()) {
return ErrorMsg(param.getName(), "<property> must be repeated exactly.");
} else if (param.getName() == "!=" && value == param.getValue()) {
"<property> must be greater than " + param.getValue().toString() + ".");
} else if (param.getName() == "<" && value >= param.getValue()) {
return ErrorMsg(param.getName(),
"<property> must be greater than or equal to " + param.getValue().toString() + ".");
"<property> must be greater than or equal to " + param.getValue().toString() +
} else if (param.getName() == ">=" && value < param.getValue()) {
return ErrorMsg(param.getName(),
"<property> must be less than " + param.getValue().toString() + ".");
} else if (param.getName() == "<=" && value > param.getValue()) {
return ErrorMsg(param.getName(),
"<property> must be less than or equal to " + param.getValue().toString() + ".");
"<property> must be less than or equal to " + param.getValue().toString() +
return ErrorMsg();
QString CompareValidator::getDefaultOperator() const {
return defaultOperator;
void CompareValidator::setDefaultOperator(const QString &value) {
defaultOperator = value;

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