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Revision e3fc2748

Von Christian Ehringfeld vor etwa 8 Jahren hinzugefügt

multiple improvements

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class Logger;
class QueryInterpreter;
class EntityManager : public QObject {
public slots:
bool startup(QString version, QStringList toInitialize,
bool createIndices = false);
bool executeQuery(const QString &query);
QSharedPointer<Entity> findById(const qint64 &id, const QString &classname, const bool refresh=false);
QSharedPointer<Entity> findById(const qint64 &id, const QString &classname,
const bool refresh = false);
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> findEntityByAttributes(const
QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
bool ignoreID = false, const bool resolveRelations = true);
bool create(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> &entities, const bool persistRelations = true,
const bool checkDuplicate = false, const bool validate = true,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false);
* @brief EntityManager::create
* Will persist an entity in the database. Before its persisted it has the id -1(invalid id). If database persisting was succesfull it has a valid id.
* @param entity
* @param persistRelations
* @param checkDuplicate
* @param validate
* @return
bool create(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const bool persistRelations = true,
const bool checkDuplicate = false, const bool validate = true,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false) ;
* @brief EntityManager::save
* If the entity has no valid ID, this method will call the create() method. Else it would call the merge method.
* @param entity
* @param persistRelations
* @param ignoreHasChanged
* @param validate
* @return bool
bool save(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const bool persistRelations = true,
const bool ignoreHasChanged = false, const bool validate = true,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false);
bool save(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> &entities,
const bool persistRelations = true,
const bool ignoreHasChanged = false, const bool validate = true,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false);
bool merge(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, bool withRelations = true,
const bool validate = true, const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false);
bool remove(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity);
bool removeAll(QString tblname);
bool createTable(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
bool createRelationTables = true);
QSharedPointer<Database> getDb() const;
void setDb(const QSharedPointer<Database> &value);
QSharedPointer<Schema> getSchema() const;
* @brief EntityManager::refresh
* fetches an entity again from the database
* @param entity
void refresh(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const bool resolveRelations=true);
QList<QHash<QString, QVariant>> selectByQuery(Query &query);
QList<QHash<QString, QVariant>> selectBySql(const QString &sql);
quint32 count(Query &query);
void clearCache();
template<class T> QList<QSharedPointer<T>> find(Query &q,
const bool joinBaseClasses = false, const bool resolveRelations = true) {
const bool joinBaseClasses = false, const bool resolveRelations = true) {
QSharedPointer<Entity> ptr = QSharedPointer<Entity>
(EntityInstanceFactory::createInstance<T *>());
if (ptr) {
if (joinBaseClasses) {
QSqlQuery query = this->queryInterpreter->build(q,ptr->metaObject());
QSqlQuery query = this->queryInterpreter->build(q, ptr->metaObject());
auto maps = this->convertQueryResult(query);
auto converted = this->convert(maps, EntityHelper::getClassname(, resolveRelations);
auto converted = this->convert(maps, EntityHelper::getClassname(,
return EntityManager::convertList<T>(converted);
return QList<QSharedPointer<T>>();
template<class T>
bool remove(QSharedPointer<T> &entity) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Entity, T>::value, "T must inherit from Entity");
bool rc = false;
auto queries = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->remove(entity);
bool ok = this->db->exec(queries);
if (ok && this->db->commitTransaction()) {
rc = true;
} else {
return rc;
template<class T>
bool merge(QSharedPointer<T> &entity, bool withRelations = true,
const bool validate = true, const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Entity, T>::value, "T must inherit from Entity");
auto merged = QList<Entity *>();
QSharedPointer<Entity> e = entity;
return this->mergeObject(e, merged, withRelations, validate,
* @brief EntityManager::save
* If the entity has no valid ID, this method will call the create() method. Else it would call the merge method.
* @param entity
* @param persistRelations
* @param ignoreHasChanged
* @param validate
* @return bool
template<class T>
bool save(QSharedPointer<T> &entity, const bool persistRelations = true,
const bool ignoreHasChanged = false, const bool validate = true,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Entity, T>::value, "T must inherit from Entity");
auto merged = QList<Entity *>();
QSharedPointer<Entity> e = entity;
return this->saveObject(e, merged, persistRelations,
ignoreHasChanged, validate, relationsIgnoreHasChanged);
* @brief EntityManager::refresh
* fetches an entity again from the database
* @param entity
template<typename T>
void refresh(QSharedPointer<T> entity, const bool resolveRelations = true) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Entity, T>::value, "T must inherit from Entity");
if(entity) {
auto map = this->findByPk(entity->getId(), entity);
QSharedPointer<Entity> e = entity;
this->convert(map, e, resolveRelations);
* @brief EntityManager::create
* Will persist an entity in the database. Before its persisted it has the id -1(invalid id). If database persisting was succesfull it has a valid id.
* @param entity
* @param persistRelations
* @param checkDuplicate
* @param validate
* @return
template<typename T>
bool create(QSharedPointer<T> &entity, const bool persistRelations = true,
const bool checkDuplicate = false, const bool validate = true,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Entity, T>::value, "T must inherit from Entity");
auto merged = QList<Entity *>();
QSharedPointer<Entity> e = entity;
return this->createObject(e, merged, persistRelations,
checkDuplicate, validate, relationsIgnoreHasChanged);
template<class T> QList<QSharedPointer<T>> findAll(const bool resolveRelations = true) {
QSharedPointer<Entity> ptr = QSharedPointer<Entity>
(EntityInstanceFactory::createInstance<T *>());
if (ptr) {
auto maps = this->findAll(ptr);
auto converted = this->convert(maps, EntityHelper::getClassname(, resolveRelations);
auto converted = this->convert(maps, EntityHelper::getClassname(,
return EntityManager::convertList<T>(converted);
return QList<QSharedPointer<T>>();
template<class T> QList<QSharedPointer<T>> findAllEntitiesByAttributes(
const QHash<QString, QVariant> &attributes =
QHash<QString, QVariant>(), quint64 limit = 0, quint64 offset = 0,
bool joinBaseClasses = false, const bool resolveRelations = true) {
bool joinBaseClasses = false, const bool resolveRelations = true) {
QSharedPointer<Entity> e = QSharedPointer<Entity>
if (e) {
QSqlQuery q = this->queryInterpreter->build(query);
auto results = this->convertQueryResult(q);
auto list = this->convert(results, EntityHelper::getClassname(,resolveRelations);
auto list = this->convert(results, EntityHelper::getClassname(,
return EntityManager::convertList<T>(list);
return QList<QSharedPointer<T>>();

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff