Revision 03fe3afa
Von Christian Ehringfeld vor mehr als 9 Jahren hinzugefügt
src/entity.cpp | ||
return QHash<QString, Relation>();
QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<Entity> > Entity::getRelationObjects() {
return QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<Entity>>();
QStringList Entity::getTransientAttributes() {
return QStringList();
src/entity.h | ||
virtual ~Entity();
virtual QString getTablename();
* Relation with BELONGS_TO should use qint32 as primary key
* @brief getRelations
* @return
virtual QHash<QString, Relation> getRelations();
* The hashmap keys must be equal to the ones which are defined in the hashmap of getRelations()
* The EntityManager will only introspect Entity Objects, non-Entity inherited relations will be processed in a other way
* You must use this method, if you have a n-m Relation with Entity Objects.
* @brief getRelationObjects
* @return
virtual QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<Entity> > getRelationObjects();
* You should return the names of properties which should not persisted e.g. Properties which are only exposed to qml
* @brief getTransientAttributes
* @return
virtual QStringList getTransientAttributes();
virtual QStringList getBLOBColumns();
//return value must be the exact name defined in Q_PROPERTY
src/querybuilder.cpp | ||
const {
auto relations = QHash<QString, QHash<QString, QString>>();
QHash<QString, Relation> m =>getRelations();
QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<Entity>> os =>getRelationObjects();
auto props = this->getMetaProperties(entity);
for (auto i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); ++i) {
Relation r = i.value();
if (r.getType() == MANY_TO_MANY && r.getMappedBy().isEmpty()) {
QHash<QString, QString> h = QHash<QString, QString>();
h.insert("id", this->>TYPE_BIGPK);
h.insert(QString(>metaObject()->className()) + QString("_id"), this->>TYPE_BIGINT);
if (os.contains(i.key())) {
h.insert(QString(os.value(i.key()).data()->metaObject()->className()) + QString("_id"),
if (r.getTableName().isEmpty()) {
relations.insert(this->generateManyToManyTableName(entity, os.value(i.key())), h);
} else {
relations.insert(r.getTableName(), h);
auto m = props.value(r.getPropertyName());
Entity *e = this->createInstance(m.type());
QSharedPointer<Entity> ptr = QSharedPointer<Entity>(e);
h.insert(QString(>metaObject()->className()) + QString("_id"),
if (r.getTableName().isEmpty()) {
relations.insert(this->generateManyToManyTableName(entity, ptr), h);
} else {
relations.insert(r.getTableName(), h);
... | ... | |
return values;
Entity *QueryBuilder::createInstance(const char *className) const {
return this->createInstance(QMetaType::type(className));
Entity *QueryBuilder::createInstance(int id) const {
Entity *e = 0;
if (id != -1) {
e = static_cast<Entity *>(QMetaType::create(id));
return e;
QHash<QString, QVariant> QueryBuilder::getEntityAttributes(const QHash<QString, QMetaProperty> &props,
const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) const {
Entity *e =;
... | ... | |
if (!(rc == "")) {
rc += " " + conjunction + " ";
rc += this->>quoteColumnName(i.key()) + "= :" + i.key();
rc += this->>quoteColumnName(i.key()) + "=:" + i.key();
... | ... | |
return rc;
QSharedPointer<Schema> QueryBuilder::getSchema() const {
return schema;
src/querybuilder.h | ||
QString where(const QHash<QString, QVariant> &m, const QString &conjunction = ",", bool ignoreID = false) const;
QString attributes(const QHash<QString, QVariant> &m, const QString &conjunction = ",", bool ignoreID = false) const;
QHash<QString, QVariant> saveAttributes(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) const;
Entity* createInstance(const char *className) const;
Entity* createInstance(int id) const;
QSharedPointer<Schema> schema;
QSharedPointer<Database> database;
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