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Revision 03fe3afa

Von Christian Ehringfeld vor etwa 9 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 03fe3afa54fbe092336f9ea07a6d0f741c3bf454
  • Vorgänger 40d229e3
  • Nachfolger f4e3904b


Unterschiede anzeigen:

virtual ~Entity();
virtual QString getTablename();
* Relation with BELONGS_TO should use qint32 as primary key
* @brief getRelations
* @return
virtual QHash<QString, Relation> getRelations();
* The hashmap keys must be equal to the ones which are defined in the hashmap of getRelations()
* The EntityManager will only introspect Entity Objects, non-Entity inherited relations will be processed in a other way
* You must use this method, if you have a n-m Relation with Entity Objects.
* @brief getRelationObjects
* @return
virtual QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<Entity> > getRelationObjects();
* You should return the names of properties which should not persisted e.g. Properties which are only exposed to qml
* @brief getTransientAttributes
* @return
virtual QStringList getTransientAttributes();
virtual QStringList getBLOBColumns();
//return value must be the exact name defined in Q_PROPERTY

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff