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Revision 244c6d53

Von Christian Ehringfeld vor fast 10 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 244c6d535b43281657f54d75f880260dd04469ef
  • Vorgänger 4f3b13f3
  • Nachfolger 98b5b08d

persisting relations, some todos left

Unterschiede anzeigen:

* @todo should be an insert statement with much values
* @todo should be an insert statement with many values
* not really usefull atm
* @brief EntityManager::create
* @param entities
* @return
bool EntityManager::create(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity> > entities) {
bool EntityManager::create(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity> > entities,
const bool persistRelations) {
bool ok = true;
foreach (QSharedPointer<Entity> ent, entities) {
ok = this->create(ent);
ok = this->create(ent, persistRelations);
if (!ok) {
return ok;
* @TODO insert Relations
* @brief EntityManager::create
* @param entity
* @return
bool EntityManager::create(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) {
bool EntityManager::create(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
const bool persistRelations) {
bool rc = false;
if (this->checkTable(entity) && this->count(entity) == 0) {
QSqlQuery q = this->>getQueryBuilder().data()->create(entity);
rc = this->db->transaction(q);
if (rc) {>setId(this->>getLastInsertID().toLongLong(&rc));
if (persistRelations) {
return this->convertQueryResult(q);
* @TODO insert Relations
* @brief EntityManager::merge
* @param entity
* @param withRelations
* @return
bool EntityManager::merge(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, bool withRelations) {
if (this->count(entity) == 0 && entity->getId() != -1) {
QSqlQuery q = this->>getQueryBuilder().data()->merge(entity);
return this->db->transaction(q);
bool ok = this->db->transaction(q);
if (ok && withRelations) {
return ok;
} else {
return false;
bool EntityManager::save(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) {
bool EntityManager::save(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
const bool persistRelations) {
if (>getId() > -1) {
return this->merge(entity);
return this->merge(entity, persistRelations);
} else {
return this->create(entity);
return this->create(entity, persistRelations);
return r;
bool EntityManager::remove(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) {
bool rc = false;
QSqlQuery q = this->>getQueryBuilder().data()->remove(entity);
void manyToOne(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const QVariant &id,
const QMetaProperty &property, const bool refresh = false);
void oneToMany(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const Relation &r,
const QMetaProperty &property,const bool refresh = false);
const QMetaProperty &property, const bool refresh = false);
void manyToMany(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const Relation &r,
const QMetaProperty &property,const bool refresh = false);
const QMetaProperty &property, const bool refresh = false);
void oneToOne(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const Relation &r,
const QMetaProperty &property, const bool refresh = false,
const QVariant &id = "");
const bool canPersistRelation(const Relation &relation, const RelationType &r, const QVariant &var) const;
const bool canPersistRelation(const Relation &relation, const RelationType &r,
const QVariant &var) const;
QList<QHash<QString, QVariant> > findAllByAttributes(const
QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
bool ignoreID = false);
QHash<QString, QVariant> &m,
const QString &tblname,
bool ignoreID = false);
QSharedPointer<Entity> findById(const qint64 &id, Entity *&e, const bool refresh=false);
QSharedPointer<Entity> findById(const qint64 &id, Entity *&e,
const bool refresh = false);
void setListProperty(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> &list,
const QMetaProperty &property) const;
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> findEntityByAttributes(const
QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
bool ignoreID = false);
bool create(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> entities);
bool create(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity);
bool save(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity);
bool create(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> entities,
const bool persistRelations = true);
bool create(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const bool persistRelations = true);
bool save(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const bool persistRelations = true);
qint64 findId(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity);
bool merge(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, bool withRelations = true);
bool remove(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity);
QSharedPointer<Schema> getSchema() const;
void refresh(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity);
void setSchema(const QSharedPointer<Schema> &value);
*@TODO create indexes
* /
*@TODO use conditions

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