Revision 2cded5d4
Von Christian Ehringfeld vor mehr als 6 Jahren hinzugefügt
src/entityinspector.cpp | ||
QStringList classes = EntityInstanceFactory::getRegisteredClasses();
QString msg = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate) +
" - Start checking entities\n";
" - Start checking entities\n";
this->logger->logMsg(msg, MsgType::INFO);
bool ok = true;
for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); ++i) {
... | ... | |
msg = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate) +
" - End checking entities\n";
" - End checking entities\n";
this->logger->logMsg(msg, MsgType::INFO);
return ok;
... | ... | |
void EntityInspector::checkMetaProperties(QHash<QString, QMetaProperty>
&metaProperties, bool &ok, QHash<QString, Relation> &relations) {
&metaProperties, bool &ok, QHash<QString, Relation> &relations) {
QString msg = "";
QMap<QString, QMetaProperty> metaPropertiesMap;
for (auto i = metaProperties.constBegin(); i != metaProperties.constEnd();
++i) {
++i) {
metaPropertiesMap[i.key()] = i.value();
for (auto i = metaPropertiesMap.constBegin(); i != metaPropertiesMap.constEnd(); i++) {
QString typeName = QString(i.value().typeName());
if (!i.value().isWritable()) {
ok = false;
... | ... | |
auto relations = entity->getRelations();
QString msg = "";
this->checkMetaProperties(metaProperties, ok, relations);
for (auto i = relations.constBegin(); i != relations.constEnd(); ++i) {
QMap<QString, Relation> relationsMap;
for (auto i = relations.constBegin(); i != relations.constEnd(); i++) {
relationsMap[i.key()] = i.value();
for (auto i = relationsMap.constBegin(); i != relationsMap.constEnd(); ++i) {
this->checkRelationTypos(i.key(), i.value(), ok);
if (!metaProperties.contains(i.key())) {
msg += "For relation " + i.key() + " no property exists!";
msg += i.key();
ok = false;
} else {
auto metaProperty = metaProperties.value(i.key());
if (!QString(metaProperty.typeName()).contains("QSharedPointer")) {
msg += "Property " + QString( +
" must be a type like QList<QSharedPointer<T>> or simply QSharedPointer<T>.";
" must be a type like QList<QSharedPointer<T>> or simply QSharedPointer<T>.";
} else {
auto var =;
bool rel = this->checkRelation(var, i.value(), metaProperty);
... | ... | |
if (relations.contains( {
msg += "A transient attribute should not be declared as relation: " +
attr + ".\n";
attr + ".\n";
if (blobs.contains(attr)) {
msg += "A transient attribute should not be declared as blob column: " + attr +
if (!msg.isEmpty()) {
... | ... | |
const Relation &r, const QMetaProperty &property) const {
QString msg = "";
bool many = r.getType() == RelationType::MANY_TO_MANY
|| r.getType() == RelationType::ONE_TO_MANY;
|| r.getType() == RelationType::ONE_TO_MANY;
QString propType = QString(property.type());
bool canConvertList = entity.canConvert<QVariantList>() || (many
&& propType.contains("QList"));
&& propType.contains("QList"));
if ((many && !canConvertList)) {
msg = "Relation type of " + r.getPropertyName() +
" must be MANY_TO_MANY or ONE_TO_MANY.\n Or you can change the attribute type to QSharedPointer<T>.\n";
" must be MANY_TO_MANY or ONE_TO_MANY.\n Or you can change the attribute type to QSharedPointer<T>.\n";
} else if ((!many && canConvertList)) {
msg = "Relation type of " + r.getPropertyName() +
" must be MANY_TO_ONE or ONE_TO_ONE.\n Or you can change the attribute type to QList<QSharedPointer<T>>.\n";
" must be MANY_TO_ONE or ONE_TO_ONE.\n Or you can change the attribute type to QList<QSharedPointer<T>>.\n";
if (many && r.getType() == RelationType::ONE_TO_MANY
&& r.getMappedBy().isEmpty()) {
msg += "Relation " + r.getPropertyName() +
" needs a mappedBy attribute of the foreign class.\n";
" needs a mappedBy attribute of the foreign class.\n";
if (!msg.isEmpty()) {
this->logger->logMsg(msg, MsgType::CRITICAL);
... | ... | |
void EntityInspector::checkRelationTypos(const QString &name, const Relation &r,
bool &ok) {
bool &ok) {
if (name != r.getPropertyName()) {
ok = false;
this->logger->logMsg("Relation " + name + " has a typo.\n" + "Name " + name +
... | ... | |
void EntityInspector::checkNotMappedByAttributes(int foundMappedBy, bool &ok,
const QString &propertyName, const QString &foreignEntity) {
const QString &propertyName, const QString &foreignEntity) {
if (foundMappedBy == 0) {
this->logger->logMsg("Optional: The relation " + propertyName +
" is not mapped in foreign class " + foreignEntity +
... | ... | |
void EntityInspector::checkRelationTypes(const Relation &r,
const Relation &foreign, bool &ok) {
const Relation &foreign, bool &ok) {
if (r.getType() == RelationType::ONE_TO_ONE
&& foreign.getType() != RelationType::ONE_TO_ONE) {
ok = false;
... | ... | |
void EntityInspector::logRelationTypeErrorMsg(const QString &type,
const Relation &r, const Relation &foreign) {
const Relation &r, const Relation &foreign) {
this->logger->logMsg("Relation type of foreign relation " +
foreign.getPropertyName() +
" must be of type " + type + "! Foreign property name is called " +
... | ... | |
void EntityInspector::analyzeForeignRelations(const Relation &r,
const Entity *const entity, const Entity *const foreignInstance, bool &ok,
int &foundMappedBy, bool &foundForeignMappedRelation, bool &bothSidedMappedBy) {
const Entity *const entity, const Entity *const foreignInstance, bool &ok,
int &foundMappedBy, bool &foundForeignMappedRelation, bool &bothSidedMappedBy) {
auto foreignRelations = EntityHelper::getRelationProperties(foreignInstance);
auto superClasses = EntityHelper::superClasses(entity, true);
QStringList classNames = QStringList {EntityHelper::getClassName(entity)};
... | ... | |
for (auto i = foreignRelations.constBegin(); i != foreignRelations.constEnd();
++i) {
++i) {
if (r.getMappedBy().isEmpty()
&& i.key().getMappedBy() == r.getPropertyName()) {
for (int x = 0; x < classNames.size(); ++x) {
... | ... | |
void EntityInspector::checkRelationMappings(QMetaProperty &property,
const Relation &r, bool &ok, Entity *&entity) {
const Relation &r, bool &ok, Entity *&entity) {
QString foreignEntityName = EntityInstanceFactory::extractEntityType(
auto foreignInstance = EntityInstanceFactory::createInstance(foreignEntityName);
if (foreignInstance) {
int foundMappedBy = 0;
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
closes #642