* Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Ehringfeld <c.ehringfeld@t-online.de>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "schema.h"
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QSqlRecord>
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include "database.h"
using namespace CuteEntityManager;
Schema::Schema(QSharedPointer<Database> database,
QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> builder) {
this->database = database;
this->abstractTypeMap = QSharedPointer<QHash<QString, QString>>
(new QHash<QString, QString>());
this->queryBuilder = builder;
this->typeMap = QSharedPointer<QHash<QString, QString>>(new
QHash<QString, QString>());
Schema::~Schema() {
QString Schema::primaryKey(int length) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_PK, this->lengthToString(length));
QString Schema::bigPrimaryKey(int length) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_BIGPK, this->lengthToString(length));
QString Schema::string(int length, bool notNull, QString defaultValue,
bool unique, QString checkConstraint) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_STRING, this->lengthToString(length),
notNull, defaultValue, unique, checkConstraint);
QString Schema::text(bool notNull, QString defaultValue, bool unique,
QString checkConstraint) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_TEXT, "", notNull, defaultValue, unique,
QString Schema::smallInteger(int length, bool notNull, QString defaultValue,
bool unique, QString checkConstraint) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_SMALLINT, this->lengthToString(length),
notNull, defaultValue, unique, checkConstraint);
QString Schema::integer(int length, bool notNull, QString defaultValue,
bool unique, QString checkConstraint) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_INTEGER, this->lengthToString(length),
notNull, defaultValue, unique, checkConstraint);
QString Schema::bigInteger(int length, bool notNull, QString defaultValue,
bool unique, QString checkConstraint) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_BIGINT, this->lengthToString(length),
notNull, defaultValue, unique, checkConstraint);
QString Schema::floatColumn(int precision, bool notNull, QString defaultValue,
bool unique, QString checkConstraint) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_FLOAT, this->lengthToString(precision),
notNull, defaultValue, unique, checkConstraint);
QString Schema::doubleColumn(int precision, bool notNull, QString defaultValue,
bool unique, QString checkConstraint) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_DOUBLE, this->lengthToString(precision),
notNull, defaultValue, unique, checkConstraint);
QString Schema::decimal(int precision, int scale, bool notNull,
QString defaultValue, bool unique, QString checkConstraint) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_DECIMAL,
this->combineScaleAndPrecision(precision, scale), notNull, defaultValue,
unique, checkConstraint);
QString Schema::dateTime(int precision, bool notNull, QString defaultValue,
bool unique, QString checkConstraint) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_DATETIME, this->lengthToString(precision),
notNull, defaultValue, unique, checkConstraint);
QString Schema::timestamp(int precision, bool notNull, QString defaultValue,
bool unique, QString checkConstraint) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_TIMESTAMP, this->lengthToString(precision),
notNull, defaultValue, unique, checkConstraint);
QString Schema::time(int precision, bool notNull, QString defaultValue,
bool unique, QString checkConstraint) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_TIME, this->lengthToString(precision),
notNull, defaultValue, unique, checkConstraint);
QString Schema::binary(int length, bool notNull, bool unique,
QString checkConstraint) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_BINARY, this->lengthToString(length),
notNull, "", unique, checkConstraint);
QString Schema::boolean(QString defaultValue, bool notNull) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_DOUBLE, "", notNull, defaultValue);
QString Schema::money(int precision, int scale, bool notNull,
QString defaultValue, bool unique, QString checkConstraint) const {
return this->buildColumnSchema(TYPE_MONEY,
this->combineScaleAndPrecision(precision, scale),
notNull, defaultValue, unique, checkConstraint);
void Schema::initAbstractDatabaseTypes() {
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("bool", TYPE_SMALLINT);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("short", TYPE_SMALLINT);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("int", TYPE_INTEGER);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("long", TYPE_INTEGER);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("long long", TYPE_INTEGER);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("qlonglong", TYPE_INTEGER);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("float", TYPE_FLOAT);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("double", TYPE_FLOAT);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("long double", TYPE_FLOAT);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("qint", TYPE_INTEGER);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("quint", TYPE_INTEGER);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("quuid", TYPE_INTEGER);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("qfloat", TYPE_FLOAT);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("unsigned short", TYPE_SMALLINT);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("unsigned int", TYPE_INTEGER);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("unsigned long", TYPE_INTEGER);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("unsigned long long", TYPE_INTEGER);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("char", TYPE_CHAR);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("std::string", TYPE_TEXT);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("std::wstring", TYPE_TEXT);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("QString", TYPE_TEXT);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("QVariant", TYPE_TEXT);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("QUuid", TYPE_TEXT);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("QDate", TYPE_DATE);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("QTime", TYPE_TIME);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("QDateTime", TYPE_DATETIME);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("QByteArray", TYPE_BINARY);
this->abstractTypeMap->insert("QBitArray", TYPE_BINARY);
QString Schema::quoteSimpleTableName(QString name) {
return name.indexOf("`") != -1 ? name : ("`" + name + "`");
QString Schema::quoteTableName(QString name) {
if (name.indexOf("(") != -1 || name.indexOf("{{") != -1) {
return name;
if (name.indexOf(".") == -1) {
return this->quoteSimpleTableName(name);
QStringList parts = name.split(".");
for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i) {
parts.replace(i, this->quoteSimpleTableName(parts.at(i)));
return parts.join(".");
QString Schema::quoteColumnName(QString name) {
if (name.indexOf("(") != -1 || name.indexOf("[[") != -1
|| name.indexOf("{{") != -1) {
return name;
int pos = name.indexOf(".");
QString prefix = "";
if (pos != -1 ) {
prefix = this->quoteTableName(name.mid(0, pos)) + ".";
name = name.mid(pos + 1);
return prefix + this->quoteSimpleColumnName(name);
QString Schema::quoteSimpleColumnName(QString name) {
return name.indexOf("`") != -1 || name == "*" ? name : ("`" + name + "`");
QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<TableSchema>> Schema::getTableSchemas(
QString schema, bool refresh) {
QStringList names = this->getTableNames();
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) {
QString name = names.at(i);
if (schema != "") {
name = schema + "." + name;
this->getTableSchema(name, refresh);
return this->tables;
QStringList Schema::getTableNames(QString schema) {
return this->database->getDatabase().tables();
QVariant Schema::getLastInsertID() {
QSqlQuery q(this->database->getDatabase());
auto lastId = q.lastInsertId();
return lastId;
void Schema::refresh() {
QString Schema::getRawTable(QString name) {
if (name.indexOf("{{")) {
QRegularExpression re(QRegularExpression::escape("/\\{\\{(.*?)\\}\\}/"));
return name.replace(re, QRegularExpression::escape("\\1"));
return name;
bool Schema::containsTable(QString tblname) {
if (this->tables.size() != this->getTableNames().size()) {
return this->database->getDatabase().tables().contains(tblname);
bool Schema::containsColumn(QString tblName, QString colName) {
bool r = false;
if(this->containsTable(tblName)) {
r = this->tables.value(tblName)->containsColumn(colName);
return r;
QSharedPointer<TableSchema> Schema::getTableSchema(QString name, bool refresh) {
if (this->tables.contains(name) && !refresh) {
return this->tables.value(name);
QString realName = this->getRawTable(name);
auto ts = this->loadTableSchema(realName);
if (ts.data()) {
this->tables.insert(name, ts);
return ts;
QSharedPointer<Database> Schema::getDatabase() const {
return database;
void Schema::setDatabase(const QSharedPointer<Database> &value) {
database = value;
QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> Schema::getQueryBuilder() const {
return queryBuilder;
QSharedPointer<QHash<QString, QString>> Schema::getAbstractTypeMap() const {
return abstractTypeMap;
void Schema::setAbstractTypeMap(const QSharedPointer<QHash<QString, QString>>
&value) {
abstractTypeMap = value;
QString Schema::buildColumnSchema(QString type, QString length, bool notNull,
QString defaultValue,
bool unique, QString checkConstraint) const {
return type + this->buildLengthString(length) + this->buildNotNullString(
notNull) + this->buildUniqueString(unique) + this->buildDefaultString(
defaultValue) + this->buildCheckString(checkConstraint);
QString Schema::buildLengthString(QString length) const {
return length.isEmpty() ? "" : "(" + length + ")";
QString Schema::buildNotNullString(bool notNull) const {
return notNull ? " NOT NULL" : "";
QString Schema::buildUniqueString(bool unique) const {
return unique ? " UNIQUE" : "";
QString Schema::buildDefaultString(QString def) const {
if (def.isEmpty()) {
return "";
QString defaultValue = " DEFAULT ";
bool ok;
if (ok) {
return (defaultValue + def);
if (def == "true" || def == "false") {
return (defaultValue + def.toUpper());
QString copy = def.replace(",", ".");
if (ok) {
return (defaultValue + copy);
return ("\'" + defaultValue + def + "\'");
QString Schema::buildCheckString(QString check) const {
return check.isEmpty() ? "" : (" CHECK (" + check + ")");
QString Schema::lengthToString(int length) const {
return length != 0 ? QString::number(length) : "";
QString Schema::combineScaleAndPrecision(int precision, int scale) const {
QString length = "";
if (precision != 0) {
length += QString::number(precision);
if (scale != 0) {
if (precision != 0) {
length += ", ";
length += QString::number(scale);
return length;
bool Schema::findColumns(const QSharedPointer<TableSchema> &ts) {
QSqlQuery q = this->database->getQuery();
q.exec("SELECT * FROM " + this->quoteSimpleTableName(ts->getName()) +
" LIMIT 0");
QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<QSqlField>> columns =
QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<QSqlField>>();
auto rec = q.record();
int count = rec.count();
if (count == 0) {
return false;
for (int var = 0; var < count; ++var) {
QSqlField f = rec.field(var);
columns.insert(f.name(), QSharedPointer<QSqlField>(new QSqlField(f)));
return true;
QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<TableSchema>> Schema::getTables() {
if (this->tables.size() != this->getTableNames().size()) {
return this->tables;
void Schema::setTables(const QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<TableSchema>>
&value) {
tables = value;