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root/appveyor.yml @ 37d98e0b
f3939e09 | Christian Ehringfeld | # AppVeyor build configuration
# http://www.appveyor.com/docs/build-configuration
os: unstable
dbd41a3a | Christian Ehringfeld | configuration:
- debug
- release
f3939e09 | Christian Ehringfeld | install:
dbd41a3a | Christian Ehringfeld | - set QTDIR=C:\Qt\5.5\mingw482_32
f3939e09 | Christian Ehringfeld | - set PATH=%PATH%;%QTDIR%\bin;C:\MinGW\bin
3eae124b | Christian Ehringfeld | # - set RELEASE_PATH=appveyor\release
f3939e09 | Christian Ehringfeld | ||
# using a header file without MemoryBarrier, that causes the build to fail
93178057 | Christian Ehringfeld | - qmake EntityManager.pro
3eae124b | Christian Ehringfeld | - mingw32-make -j8
f3939e09 | Christian Ehringfeld | # creating the release path
3eae124b | Christian Ehringfeld | # - md ..\%RELEASE_PATH%
f3939e09 | Christian Ehringfeld | # copy the binary to our release path
#- copy release\CuteEntityManager.dll ..\%RELEASE_PATH%
#- cd ..\%RELEASE_PATH%
# fetching dependencies of QT app
# http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-deployment.html
#- windeployqt --release CuteEntityManager
# this dll was missed by windeployqt
# - copy ..\libwinpthread-1.dll . /y
# this dll didn't work when released by windeployqt
# - copy "..\libstdc++-6.dll" . /y