* Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Ehringfeld <c.ehringfeld@t-online.de>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef QUERY_H
#define QUERY_H
#include <QString>
#include <QHash>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QLinkedList>
#include "join.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include "orderby.h"
namespace CuteEntityManager {
class Condition;
class OrderBy;
class QueryBuilder;
class Entity;
* @brief The JokerPosition enum
* FRONT -> e.g. "%foo"
* BEHIND -> e.g. "foo%"
* BOTH -> e.g. "%foo%"
enum class JokerPosition {
enum class Direction;
class Query {
virtual ~Query();
explicit Query(QStringList from, QList<Expression> where = QList<Expression>(),
QList<Join> joins = QList<Join>(),
QHash<QString, QVariant> params = QHash<QString, QVariant>(), quint64 limit = 0,
quint64 offset = 0,
QList<Expression> select = QList<Expression>(),
QStringList groupBy = QStringList(), bool distinct = false,
QList<Expression> having = QList<Expression>());
explicit Query(QString from, Expression where = Expression(),
Join join = Join(),
QHash<QString, QVariant> params = QHash<QString, QVariant>(), quint64 limit = 0,
quint64 offset = 0,
Expression select = Expression(),
QString groupBy = "", bool distinct = false,
QList<Expression> having = QList<Expression>());
QString getSelectOption() const;
void setSelectOption(const QString &value);
bool getDistinct() const;
void setDistinct(bool value);
void appendFrom(const QString &value);
QStringList getFrom() const;
void setFrom(const QStringList &value);
void appendJoinWith(const QString value);
void appendJoin(const Join &value);
void appendJoins(const QList<Join> &value);
QList<Join> getJoins() const;
void setJoins(const QList<Join> &value);
void appendParam(const QString &column, QVariant value);
void appendParams(const QHash<QString, QVariant> ¶ms);
QHash<QString, QVariant> getParams() const;
void setParams(const QHash<QString, QVariant> &value);
quint64 getLimit() const;
void setLimit(const quint64 &value);
quint64 getOffset() const;
void setOffset(const quint64 &value);
void appendOrderBy(const OrderBy &orderBy);
void appendOrderBy(const QString &column, const Direction &direction);
QList<OrderBy> getOrderBy() const;
void setOrderBy(const QList<OrderBy> &value);
void appendGroupBy(const QString &value);
QStringList getGroupBy() const;
void setGroupBy(const QStringList &value);
QList<Expression> getSelect() const;
void appendSelect(const Expression &value);
void appendSelect(const QString &value);
void setSelect(const QList<Expression> &value);
void setSelect(const QStringList &value);
void appendWhere(const QString &condition);
void appendWhere(const Expression &condition);
QList<Expression> getWhere() const;
void setWhere(const QList<Expression> &value);
void appendHaving(const QString &condition);
void appendHaving(const Expression &condition);
QList<Expression> getHaving() const;
void setHaving(const QList<Expression> &value);
Expression whereCondition(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb, QString column, QVariant value) const;
Join joinClasses(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb,
const QSharedPointer<Entity> &mainEntity,
const QSharedPointer<Entity> &foreignEntity,
const QString &joinType = QStringLiteral("LEFT JOIN"))const;
QList<Join> joinBaseClasses(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb,
const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity);
Expression whereCondition(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb,
QHash<QString, QVariant> conditions,
QString conjunction = QStringLiteral("AND")) const;
Expression whereCondition(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb, QString condition,
QHash<QString, QVariant> values = QHash<QString, QVariant>()) const;
Expression equal(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb, QString key, QVariant value) const;
Expression notEqual(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb, QString key,
QVariant value) const;
Expression between(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb, QString column,
QVariant firstValue,
QVariant secondValue) const;
Expression notBetween(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb, QString column,
QVariant firstValue,
QVariant secondValue) const;
Expression in(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb, QString column,
QList<QVariant> values) const;
Expression notIn(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb, QString column,
QList<QVariant> values) const;
Expression notOperator(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb, QString op, QString column,
QVariant value) const;
Expression orOperator(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb,
QHash<QString, QVariant> conditions,
bool like = false) const;
Expression orOperator(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb) const;
Expression norOperator(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb) const;
Expression andOperator(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb,
QHash<QString, QVariant> conditions) const;
Expression andOperator(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb) const;
Expression nandOperator(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb) const;
Expression arbitraryOperator(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb, QString op,
QString column,
QVariant value) const;
Expression isNull(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb, QString column) const;
Expression isNotNull(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb, QString column) const;
Expression plainOr(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb) const;
Expression plainNor(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb) const;
Expression plainAnd(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb)
Expression plainNand(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb) const;
Expression like(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb, QString column, QVariant value,
JokerPosition jp = JokerPosition::BOTH, QChar wildcard = '%');
Expression like(const QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> &qb,
QHash<QString, QVariant> conditions,
QString conjunction = QStringLiteral("AND"),
JokerPosition jp = JokerPosition::BOTH, QChar wildcard = '%');
QList<Expression> select;
QString selectOption = QStringLiteral("");
bool distinct = false;
QStringList from;
QStringList groupBy;
QList<OrderBy> orderBy;
QList<Expression> where;
QList<Expression> having;
QList<Join> joins;
QHash<QString, QVariant> params;
quint64 limit = 0;
quint64 offset = 0;
#endif // QUERY_H