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Revision 5f3c7a9c

Von Christian Ehringfeld vor mehr als 9 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 5f3c7a9c40bbfeb81c52f55dadd338acb68e1ef1
  • Vorgänger 11f5a3a7
  • Nachfolger 43457c84

typo checker

Unterschiede anzeigen:

bool EntityInspector::verifyRelations(Entity *&entity, QString &msg) {
bool ok = true;
auto metaProperties = EntityHelper::getMetaProperties(entity);
QString iMsg = "";
this->checkMetaProperties(metaProperties, iMsg, ok, relations);
for (auto i = relations.constBegin(); i != relations.constEnd(); ++i) {
this->checkRelationTypos(i.key(), i.value(), iMsg, ok);
if (!metaProperties.contains(i.key())) {
iMsg += "For relation " + i.key() + " is no property.";
iMsg += "For relation " + i.key() + " no property exists.";
ok = false;
} else {
auto metaProperty = metaProperties.value(i.key());
if (!QString(metaProperty.typeName()).contains("QSharedPointer")) {
qWarning() << iMsg;
msg += iMsg;
bool EntityInspector::checkRelation(const QVariant &entity,
return true;
void EntityInspector::checkRelationTypos(const QString &name, const Relation &r,
QString &msg, bool &ok) {
if (name != r.getPropertyName()) {
ok = false;
msg += "Relation " + name + " has a typo.\n";
msg += "Name " + name + "and relation name " + r.getPropertyName() +
" are not equal.\n";
bool EntityInspector::checkPrimaryKey(Entity *&entity, QString &msg) {
QString pk = entity->getPrimaryKey();
auto metaprops = EntityHelper::getMetaProperties(entity);
void verifyTransientAttributes(Entity *&entity, QString &msg);
bool checkRelation(const QVariant &entity, const Relation &r, QString &msg,
const QMetaProperty &property) const;
void checkRelationTypos(const QString &name, const Relation &r, QString &msg, bool &ok);
bool checkPrimaryKey(Entity *&entity, QString &msg);
void verifyBlobAttributes(Entity *&entity, QString &msg);
void checkMetaProperties(QHash<QString, QMetaProperty> &metaProperties,
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "logger.h"
#include <QDir>
#include <QDebug>

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