Revision 87739ae0
Von Christian Ehringfeld vor mehr als 9 Jahren hinzugefügt
src/entityhelper.cpp | ||
return h;
const QHash<QString, QMetaProperty> EntityHelper::getNonInheritedMetaProperties(
const Entity *entity) {
auto props = EntityHelper::getMetaProperties(entity);
auto superObject = EntityInstanceFactory::newSuperClassInstance(entity);
if (superObject) {
auto superProps = EntityHelper::getMetaProperties(superObject);
for (auto iterator = superProps.constBegin(); iterator != superProps.constEnd();
++iterator) {
if (props.contains(iterator.key())) {
delete superObject;
superObject = nullptr;
return props;
const QHash<QString, QMetaProperty> EntityHelper::getInheritedMetaProperties(
const Entity *entity) {
auto classes = EntityHelper::superClasses(entity);
auto props = EntityHelper::getMetaProperties(entity);
auto superObject = EntityInstanceFactory::newSuperClassInstance(entity);
auto wholeProperties = QHash<QString, QMetaProperty>();
for (int var = classes.size() - 1; var >= 0; --var) {
auto metaObject =;
auto properties = EntityHelper::getMetaProperties(metaObject);
auto iterator = properties.constBegin();
while (iterator != properties.constEnd()) {
wholeProperties.insert(iterator.key(), iterator.value());
if (superObject) {
auto superProps = EntityHelper::getMetaProperties(superObject);
auto iterator = superProps.constBegin();
for (auto i = props.constBegin(); i != props.constEnd(); ++i) {
if (!superProps.contains(iterator.key())) {
wholeProperties.insert(iterator.key(), iterator.value());
delete superObject;
superObject = nullptr;
return wholeProperties;
const QHash<Relation, QMetaProperty> EntityHelper::getRelationProperties(
src/entityhelper.h | ||
const Entity *entity);
static const QHash<QString, QMetaProperty> getMetaProperties(
const QMetaObject *object);
static const QHash<QString, QMetaProperty> getNonInheritedMetaProperties(const Entity *entity);
static const QHash<QString, QMetaProperty> getInheritedMetaProperties(
const Entity *entity);
static const QHash<Relation, QMetaProperty> getRelationProperties(
src/entitymanager.cpp | ||
if (persistRelations) {
this->savePostPersistedRelations(entity, mergedObjects,
relationsIgnoreHasChanged, true);
rc = true;
... | ... | |
checkDuplicate, validate, relationsIgnoreHasChanged);
bool EntityManager::create(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity> > entities,
const bool persistRelations, const bool validate,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged, const bool checkDuplicate) {
bool ok = true;
auto merged = QList<Entity *>();
foreach (QSharedPointer<Entity> ent, entities) {
ok = this->createObject(ent, merged, persistRelations,
checkDuplicate, validate, relationsIgnoreHasChanged);
if (!ok) {
this->logger->logMsg("Object " + QString::number(ent->getId()) + " of class " +
EntityHelper::getClassName( + " couldn't created!",
return ok;
bool EntityManager::save(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
const bool persistRelations, const bool ignoreHasChanged, const bool validate,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged) {
... | ... | |
ignoreHasChanged, validate, relationsIgnoreHasChanged);
bool EntityManager::save(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity> > &entities,
const bool persistRelations, const bool ignoreHasChanged, const bool validate,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged) {
bool ok = true;
foreach (QSharedPointer<Entity> entity, entities) {
auto merged = QList<Entity *>();
ok = this->saveObject(entity, merged, persistRelations,
ignoreHasChanged, validate, relationsIgnoreHasChanged);
if (!ok) {
this->logger->logMsg("Object " + QString::number(entity->getId()) +
" of class " +
EntityHelper::getClassName( + " couldn't saved.",
return ok;
bool EntityManager::startup(QString version, QStringList toInitialize,
bool createIndices) {
QSharedPointer<Entity> dbm = QSharedPointer<DatabaseMigration>
... | ... | |
return this->convertQueryResult(q);
qint8 EntityManager::count(Query &query) {
qint8 rc = 0;
QSqlQuery q = this->queryInterpreter->build(query);
if ( {
rc = q.value(0).toInt();
return rc;
bool EntityManager::validate(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) {
QList<ValidationRule> rules = entity->validationRules();
QList<ErrorMsg> list = QList<ErrorMsg>();
... | ... | |
void EntityManager::savePostPersistedRelations(const QSharedPointer<Entity>
&entity, QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects, bool ignoreHasChanged) {
&entity, QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects, bool ignoreHasChanged, bool newItem) {
auto relations = EntityHelper::getRelationProperties(;
for (auto i = relations.constBegin(); i != relations.constEnd(); ++i) {
const Relation r = i.key();
auto var = i.value().read(;
if (!var.isNull()) {
if (r.getType() == RelationType::MANY_TO_MANY) {
this->persistManyToMany(entity, r, var, mergedObjects, ignoreHasChanged);
this->persistManyToMany(entity, r, var, mergedObjects, ignoreHasChanged,
} else if (r.getType() == RelationType::ONE_TO_MANY) {
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> list = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariantList(
... | ... | |
void EntityManager::persistManyToMany(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
const Relation &r, QVariant &property, QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects,
const bool ignoreHasChanged) {
const bool ignoreHasChanged, const bool newItem) {
auto list = property.value<QList<QVariant>>();
if (!list.isEmpty() && !( {
auto var =;
... | ... | |
auto builder = this->schema->getQueryBuilder();
QString tblName = builder->generateManyToManyTableName(entity, ptr, r);
if (this->schema->containsTable(tblName)) {
QSqlQuery q = builder->manyToManyDelete(
tblName, builder->generateManyToManyColumnName(entity),
if (this->db->exec(q)) {
bool ok = newItem;
QSqlQuery q;
if (!newItem) {
q = builder->manyToManyDelete(
tblName, builder->generateManyToManyColumnName(entity),
ok = this->db->exec(q);
} else {
q = builder->getQuery();
if (ok) {
auto nList = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariantList(property);
this->persistMappedByRelation(nList, q, entity, ptr, r, tblName, mergedObjects);
... | ... | |
return this->convert(maps, EntityHelper::getClassname(;
bool EntityManager::create(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity> > entities,
const bool persistRelations, const bool validate,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged) {
bool ok = true;
foreach (QSharedPointer<Entity> ent, entities) {
ok = this->create(ent, persistRelations, validate, relationsIgnoreHasChanged);
if (!ok) {
return ok;
QHash<QString, QVariant> EntityManager::findByPk(qint64 id,
const QSharedPointer<Entity>
&e) {
... | ... | |
return this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->createTable(e, createRelationTables);
quint8 EntityManager::count(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
bool ignoreID) {
quint8 EntityManager::count(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, bool ignoreID,
bool followInheritance) {
Query q = Query();
auto qb = this->schema->getQueryBuilder();
QHash<QString, QVariant> values;
if (followInheritance) {
values = EntityHelper::getEntityAttributes(EntityHelper::getMetaProperties(
||, entity);
} else {
values = EntityHelper::getEntityAttributes(
EntityHelper::getNonInheritedMetaProperties(, entity);
//maybe filter MANY_TO_MANY and ONE_TO_MANY relations
q.appendWhere(qb->where(values, qb->andKeyword(), ignoreID,
entity->getPrimaryKey(), false));
return this->count(q);
quint8 EntityManager::count(const QString &tableName) {
qint8 rc = -1;
QSqlQuery q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->count(entity,
QSqlQuery q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->count(tableName);
if ( {
rc = q.value(0).toInt();
... | ... | |
return rc;
quint8 EntityManager::count(const QString &tableName) {
qint8 rc = -1;
QSqlQuery q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->count(tableName);
qint8 EntityManager::count(Query &query) {
qint8 rc = 0;
QSqlQuery q = this->queryInterpreter->build(query);
if ( {
rc = q.value(0).toInt();
src/entitymanager.h | ||
bool create(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> entities,
const bool persistRelations = true, const bool validate = true,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false);
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false,
const bool checkDuplicate = false);
* @brief EntityManager::create
* Will persist an entity in the database. Before its persisted it has the id -1(invalid id). If database persisting was succesfull it has a valid id.
... | ... | |
bool save(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const bool persistRelations = true,
const bool ignoreHasChanged = false, const bool validate = true,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false);
bool save(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> &entities,
const bool persistRelations = true,
const bool ignoreHasChanged = false, const bool validate = true,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false);
bool merge(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, bool withRelations = true,
const bool validate = true, const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged = false);
bool remove(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity);
... | ... | |
bool createTable(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
bool createRelationTables = true);
bool createTable(QString className, bool createRelationTables = true);
quint8 count(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, bool ignoreID = true);
quint8 count(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, bool ignoreID = true,
bool followInheritance = false);
quint8 count(const QString &tableName);
QSharedPointer<Database> getDb() const;
void setDb(const QSharedPointer<Database> &value);
... | ... | |
const QVariant &id = "");
void persistManyToMany(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const Relation &r,
QVariant &property, QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects,
const bool ignoreHasChanged = false);
const bool ignoreHasChanged = false, const bool newItem = false);
QList<QHash<QString, QVariant> > findAllByAttributes(const
QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
bool ignoreID = false);
... | ... | |
* @throw can throw in debug mode a QString exception when the type of any Relation is wrong @see EntityManager::checkRelation
void savePostPersistedRelations(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects, bool ignoreHasChanged = false);
QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects, bool ignoreHasChanged = false,
bool newItem = false);
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> saveRelationEntities(const
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> &list, const Relation &r,
src/querybuilder.cpp | ||
return q;
QSqlQuery QueryBuilder::count(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
bool ignoreID) const {
QHash<QString, QVariant> values = EntityHelper::getEntityAttributes(
QSqlQuery q = this->database->getQuery(this->selectBase(QStringList(
QStringList(this->countFunction())) + this->where(
values, this->andKeyword(), ignoreID));
this->bindValues(values, q, ignoreID);
return q;
//QSqlQuery QueryBuilder::count(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
// bool ignoreID) const {
// QHash<QString, QVariant> values = EntityHelper::getEntityAttributes(
// EntityHelper::getMetaProperties(,
// entity);
// QSqlQuery q = this->database->getQuery(this->selectBase(QStringList(
// entity->getTablename()),
// QStringList(this->countFunction())) + this->where(
// values, this->andKeyword(), ignoreID));
// this->bindValues(values, q, ignoreID);
// return q;
QSqlQuery QueryBuilder::count(const QString &tableName) const {
QSqlQuery q = this->database->getQuery(this->selectBase(QStringList(
src/querybuilder.h | ||
qint64 offset = 0);
QList<QSqlQuery> remove(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) const;
QSqlQuery findId(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) const;
QSqlQuery count(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, bool ignoreID) const;
//QSqlQuery count(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, bool ignoreID) const;
QSqlQuery count(const QString &tableName) const;
QList<QSqlQuery> merge(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) const;
QList<QSqlQuery> create(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) const;
... | ... | |
const QString &conjunction,
bool ignoreID = false, const QString &primaryKey = "id",
bool withKeyword = true) const;
QString attributes(const QHash<QString, QVariant> &m, bool select=true,
QString attributes(const QHash<QString, QVariant> &m, bool select = true,
const QString &conjunction = ",",
bool ignoreID = false, const QString &primaryKey = "id") const;
QHash<QString, QVariant> saveAttributes(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
src/queryinterpreter.cpp | ||
const QList<Expression> &columns,
const bool &distinct, const QString &selectOption) const {
QString sqlSelect = distinct ? ("SELECT " + this->builder->distinct()) :
if (!selectOption.isEmpty()) {
sqlSelect += this->builder->getSeparator() + selectOption;
sqlSelect += this->builder->getSeparator() + selectOption + " ";
if (columns.isEmpty()) {
return sqlSelect + " *";
return sqlSelect + "*";
bool first = true;
for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); ++i) {
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
some (performance) improvements