Revision 94bf67c7
Von Christian Ehringfeld vor mehr als 9 Jahren hinzugefügt
src/database.cpp | ||
return this->connectionName;
bool Database::transaction(const QString &query) {
bool rc = false;
if (supportTransactions) {
QSqlQuery sqlquery = QSqlQuery(this->database);
} else {
rc = this->exec(query);
qDebug() << "Executed Query:" << query;
return rc;
QSqlQuery Database::getQuery() {
return QSqlQuery(this->database);
... | ... | |
return ok;
bool Database::transaction(QSqlQuery &query) {
return this->commitTransaction();
bool Database::transaction(QList<QSqlQuery> &queries) {
QSqlQuery q;
src/database.h | ||
QString getConnectionName();
QSqlQuery getQuery();
QSqlQuery getQuery(const QString &prepare);
bool transaction(const QString &query);
bool transaction(const QStringList &queries);
bool transaction(QSqlQuery &query);
bool transaction(QList<QSqlQuery> &queries);
bool exec(const QString &query);
bool exec(QStringList queries);
src/entitymanager.cpp | ||
bool EntityManager::executeQuery(const QString &query) {
return this->db->transaction(query);
return this->db->exec(query);
bool EntityManager::checkTable(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) {
... | ... | |
item =;
if (item->getProperty(item->getPrimaryKey()).toLongLong() > -1) {
q.bindValue(1, item->getProperty(ptr->getPrimaryKey()));
if (prop.isReadable()) {
this->addEntityToListProperty(entity, ptr, prop);
} else {
qDebug() << "Query exec for many to many relation failed." <<
qDebug() << "Involved entities: " << entity->getClassname() <<
"(MainEntitiy) and " << entity->getClassname();
"(MainEntitiy) and " << ptr->getClassname();
qDebug() << "Relation:" << r.getPropertyName();
... | ... | |
|| r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::ALL);
bool remove = r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::REMOVE)
|| r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::ALL);
if (q.exec()) {
if (this->schema->getDatabase()->exec(q)) {
for (int var = 0; var < list.size(); ++var) {
auto entity =;
if (remove) {
... | ... | |
QSqlQuery q = builder->manyToManyDelete(
tblName, builder->generateManyToManyColumnName(entity),
if (this->db->transaction(q)) {
if (this->db->exec(q)) {
auto nList = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariantList(property);
this->persistMappedByRelation(nList, q, entity, ptr, r, tblName);
... | ... | |
QList<QSqlQuery> q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->create(
bool first = true;
QVariant id = -1;
for (int var = 0; var < q.size(); ++var) {
auto query =;
if (!first) {
this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->bindValue(entity->getPrimaryKey(), id, query);
rc = this->db->exec(query);
if (!rc) {
qDebug() << "Query failed:" << query.lastError().text() << " of class " <<
... | ... | |
if (first) {
entity->setProperty(entity->getPrimaryKey(), query.lastInsertId());
id = query.lastInsertId();
entity->setProperty(entity->getPrimaryKey(), id);
first = false;
src/querybuilder.cpp | ||
if (!rc) {
QSqlQuery q = this->database->getQuery(this->createTable(tableName,
if (this->database->transaction(q)) {
if (this->database->exec(q)) {
if (createRelationTables) {
auto relTables = this->generateRelationTables(entity);
auto i = relTables.constBegin();
... | ... | |
first = false;
p1 += this->schema->quoteColumnName(i.key());
p2 += ":" + i.key();
p2 += this->placeHolder(i.key());
p1 += ")";
... | ... | |
* @return
QSqlQuery QueryBuilder::find(const qint64 &id, const QString &tableName) const {
QString pk = "id";
QSqlQuery q = this->database->getQuery(this->selectBase(QStringList(
tableName)) + " WHERE id= :id LIMIT 1;");
q.bindValue(":id", id);
tableName)) + " WHERE " + pk + " = " + this->placeHolder(pk) + " LIMIT 1;");
this->bindValue(pk, id, q);
return q;
... | ... | |
QSqlQuery q = this->database->getQuery(this->selectBase(QStringList(
entity->getTablename())) + this->joinSuperClasses(
entity) + " WHERE " + this->schema->quoteColumnName(
pk) + "= :id" + this->limit(1, offset));
q.bindValue(":id", id);
pk) + "= " + this->placeHolder(pk) + this->limit(1, offset));
this->bindValue(pk, id, q);
return q;
... | ... | |
QSqlQuery q = this->database->getQuery("DELETE FROM " +
tableName) + " WHERE " +
this->schema->quoteColumnName(primaryKey) + "=:id;");
q.bindValue(":id", id);
this->schema->quoteColumnName(primaryKey) + "=" + this->placeHolder(
primaryKey) + ";");
this->bindValue(primaryKey, id, q);
return q;
... | ... | |
&entity, bool insert) const {
const QList<ClassAttributes> attrs = this->inheritedAttributes(entity);
auto queries = QList<QSqlQuery>();
bool first = true;
for (int var = 0; var < attrs.size(); ++var) {
auto attr =;
auto attrHash = attr.getAttributes();
queries.append(insert ? this->insert(attr.getName(), attrHash,
attr.getPk()) : this->update(attr.getName(), attrHash, attr.getPk()));
attr.getPk(), !first) : this->update(attr.getName(), attrHash, attr.getPk()));
if (first) {
first = false;
return queries;
... | ... | |
QSqlQuery QueryBuilder::insert(const QString &tableName,
QHash<QString, QVariant> &attributes, const QString &primaryKey) const {
//if(attributes.size() == 1) {
// attributes.insert(primaryKey,QVariant("null"));
// } else {
// }
QHash<QString, QVariant> &attributes, const QString &primaryKey,
bool withId) const {
if (!withId) {
QSqlQuery q = this->database->getQuery();
QString p1 = "INSERT INTO " + this->schema->quoteTableName(
tableName) + "(";
... | ... | |
QSqlQuery QueryBuilder::update(const QString &tableName,
QHash<QString, QVariant> &attributes, const QString &primaryKey) const {
QSqlQuery q = this->database->getQuery("UPDATE " +
this->schema->quoteTableName(tableName) + " SET " + this->attributes(
attributes) + " WHERE " + this->schema->quoteColumnName(
primaryKey) + "=:id;");
QSqlQuery q = this->database->getQuery("UPDATE " + this->schema->quoteTableName(
tableName) + " SET " + this->attributes(attributes) + " WHERE " +
this->schema->quoteColumnName(primaryKey) + " = " + this->placeHolder(
primaryKey) + ";");
this->bindValues(attributes, q);
return q;
... | ... | |
const qint64 &id) {
QSqlQuery q = this->database->getQuery();
QString sql = this->selectBase(QStringList(tableName), QStringList("*"));
QString pk = "id";
sql += " WHERE ";
sql += this->schema->quoteColumnName(
sql += " = :id;";
sql += " = " + this->placeHolder(pk) + ";";
q.bindValue(":id", id);
this->bindValue(pk, id, q);
return q;
QSqlQuery QueryBuilder::manyToManyDelete(const QString &tableName,
const QString &attribute, const qint64 &id) {
QSqlQuery q = this->database->getQuery();
QString pkCol = "id";
QString sql = "DELETE FROM " + this->schema->quoteTableName(
tableName) + " WHERE " + this->schema->quoteColumnName(
attribute) + "=:id";
attribute) + "=" + this->placeHolder(pkCol);
q.bindValue(":id", id);
this->bindValue(pkCol, id, q);
return q;
... | ... | |
QHash<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator i = h.constBegin();
while (i != h.constEnd()) {
if (!ignoreID || (ignoreID && !(i.key() == primaryKey))) {
q.bindValue(":" + i.key(), i.value());
this->bindValue(i.key(), i.value(), q);
void QueryBuilder::bindValue(const QString &key, const QVariant &value,
QSqlQuery &q) const {
q.bindValue(this->placeHolder(key), value);
QString QueryBuilder::placeHolder(const QString &key) const {
return QString(":" + key);
QString QueryBuilder::where(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
QString conjunction,
bool ignoreID) const {
... | ... | |
if (!(rc == "")) {
rc += " " + conjunction + " ";
rc += this->schema->quoteColumnName(i.key()) + "=:" + i.key();
rc += this->schema->quoteColumnName(i.key()) + "=" + this->placeHolder(i.key());
src/querybuilder.h | ||
QString generateManyToManyColumnName(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity)
QSqlQuery getQuery() const;
void bindValues(const QHash<QString, QVariant> &h, QSqlQuery &q,
bool ignoreID = false, const QString &primaryKey = "id") const;
void bindValue(const QString &key, const QVariant &value, QSqlQuery &q) const;
virtual QString placeHolder(const QString &key) const;
class ClassAttributes {
... | ... | |
QSqlQuery remove(const QString &tableName, const qint64 &id,
const QString &primaryKey = "id") const;
QSqlQuery insert(const QString &tableName, QHash<QString, QVariant> &attributes,
const QString &primaryKey = "id") const;
const QString &primaryKey = "id", bool withId = false) const;
QSqlQuery update(const QString &tableName, QHash<QString, QVariant> &attributes,
const QString &primaryKey = "id") const;
QList<QSqlQuery> createOrMerge(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
... | ... | |
QString buildCreateQuery(QHash<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator i,
QHash<QString, QVariant>::const_iterator end,
QString &p1, QString &p2) const;
void bindValues(const QHash<QString, QVariant> &h, QSqlQuery &q,
bool ignoreID = false, const QString &primaryKey = "id") const;
QString where(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, QString conjunction = ",",
bool ignoreID = false) const;
QString where(const QHash<QString, QVariant> &m,
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