Revision 977d8d5f
Von Christian Ehringfeld vor etwa 8 Jahren hinzugefügt
src/entitymanager.cpp | ||
quint32 EntityManager::count(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, bool ignoreID,
bool followInheritance) {
bool joinBaseClasses) {
Query q = Query();
auto qb = this->schema->getQueryBuilder();
QHash<QString, QVariant> values;
if (followInheritance) {
if (joinBaseClasses) {
values = EntityHelper::getEntityAttributes(EntityHelper::getMetaProperties(
||, entity);
src/entitymanager.h | ||
bool createTable(QString className, bool createRelationTables = true);
bool removeTable(QString className);
quint32 count(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, bool ignoreID = true,
bool followInheritance = false);
bool joinBaseClasses = false);
quint32 count(const QString &tableName);
QSharedPointer<Database> getDb() const;
void setDb(const QSharedPointer<Database> &value);
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
changed param name of count method to clarify functions
closes #621