


Herunterladen als
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81c23b56 Christian Ehringfeld
6899f814 Christian Ehringfeld
* Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Ehringfeld <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
81c23b56 Christian Ehringfeld
f9cef58f Christian Ehringfeld
#include <QVariantList>
3938a37e Christian Ehringfeld
#include <QHash>
#include <QDir>
81c23b56 Christian Ehringfeld
#include "entitymanager.h"
7e233492 Christian Ehringfeld
#include "enums/databasetype.h"
1e213c09 Christian Ehringfeld
#include "databasemigration.h"
19082efe Christian Ehringfeld
#include "attributeresolver.h"
fc14f551 Christian Ehringfeld
#include "validators/validatorfactory.h"
#include "validators/validator.h"
#include "validators/validatorrule.h"
e332a521 Christian Ehringfeld
#include "entityinspector.h"
ae497991 Christian Ehringfeld
4d58ef6a Christian Ehringfeld
using namespace CuteEntityManager;
81c23b56 Christian Ehringfeld
QStringList EntityManager::connectionNames = QStringList();

28d2f01a Christian Ehringfeld
QHash<QString, EntityManager *> EntityManager::instances =
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
QHash<QString, EntityManager *>();
28d2f01a Christian Ehringfeld
afde9013 Christian Ehringfeld
QStringList EntityManager::getConnectionNames() {
return EntityManager::connectionNames;

3938a37e Christian Ehringfeld
EntityManager::EntityManager(QSqlDatabase database, bool logQueries,
const bool inspectEntities,
MsgType logActions) : QObject() {
57d6da31 Christian Ehringfeld
this->db = QSharedPointer<Database>(new Database(database, true, logQueries, logActions));
3938a37e Christian Ehringfeld
this->init(inspectEntities, logActions);

void EntityManager::init(bool inspect, const MsgType msgType) {
1701766b Christian Ehringfeld
57d6da31 Christian Ehringfeld
this->schema = QSharedPointer<Schema>(Database::getSchema(Database::getDatabaseType(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
this->db->getDatabase().driverName()), this->db));
3938a37e Christian Ehringfeld
dbd41a3a Christian Ehringfeld
this->ar = QSharedPointer<AttributeResolver>(new AttributeResolver(
this->queryInterpreter = QSharedPointer<QueryInterpreter>(new QueryInterpreter(
3938a37e Christian Ehringfeld
if (inspect) {
EntityInspector inspector = EntityInspector(msgType);
2f40d160 Christian Ehringfeld
QString loggerFile = this->objectName() + ".log";
3938a37e Christian Ehringfeld
loggerFile.replace("[", "");
loggerFile.replace("]", "");
this->logger = QSharedPointer<Logger>(new Logger(QDir::currentPath() + "/" +
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
loggerFile, msgType));
3938a37e Christian Ehringfeld

EntityManager::EntityManager(const QString &databaseType, QString databasename,
QString hostname, QString username, QString password, QString port,
bool logQueries, QString databaseOptions, const bool inspectEntities,
CuteEntityManager::MsgType logActions) : QObject() {
6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
this->db = QSharedPointer<Database>(new Database(databaseType, this->createConnection(),
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
databasename, username,
port.toInt(), true, logQueries, databaseOptions, logActions));
3938a37e Christian Ehringfeld
this->init(inspectEntities, logActions);

EntityManager::~EntityManager() {
19082efe Christian Ehringfeld
this->ar = QSharedPointer<AttributeResolver>(nullptr);
3938a37e Christian Ehringfeld

1b167b6c Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<QueryBuilder> EntityManager::getQueryBuilder() const {
return this->schema->getQueryBuilder();

0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::saveObject(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects, const bool persistRelations,
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
const bool ignoreHasChanged, const bool validate,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged) {
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
bool merged = mergedObjects.contains(;
23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
if (entity && !merged && (ignoreHasChanged || this->hasChanged(entity))) {
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
if (entity->getProperty(entity->getPrimaryKey()).toLongLong() > -1) {
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
return this->mergeObject(entity, mergedObjects, persistRelations, validate,
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
} else {
return this->createObject(entity, mergedObjects, persistRelations, false,
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
validate, relationsIgnoreHasChanged);
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
return merged ? true : false;

bool EntityManager::mergeObject(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects, bool withRelations, const bool validate,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged) {
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
bool ok = true;
23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
if (entity && !mergedObjects.contains( {
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
ok = false;
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
if (entity->getId() > -1 && (!validate || this->validate(entity))) {
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
if (withRelations) {
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
this->savePrePersistedRelations(entity, mergedObjects,
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QSqlQuery> q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->merge(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
ok = this->db->exec(q);
if (!ok || !this->db->commitTransaction()) {
ok = false;
} else if (ok && withRelations) {
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
this->savePostPersistedRelations(entity, mergedObjects,
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
return ok;

bool EntityManager::createObject(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects, const bool persistRelations,
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
const bool checkDuplicate, const bool validate,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged) {
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
bool rc = true;
23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
if (entity && !mergedObjects.contains( {
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
rc = false;
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
if (this->checkTable(entity) && (!validate || this->validate(entity))
e5a0d313 Christian Ehringfeld
&& (!checkDuplicate || this->count(entity) <= 0)) {
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
if (persistRelations) {
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
this->savePrePersistedRelations(entity, mergedObjects,
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QSqlQuery> q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->create(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
bool first = true;
QVariant id = -1;
for (int var = 0; var < q.size(); ++var) {
auto query =;
if (!first) {
this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->bindValue(entity->getPrimaryKey(), id, query);
rc = this->db->exec(query);
if (!rc) {
3938a37e Christian Ehringfeld
this->logger->logMsg("class is erroneous:" + EntityHelper::getClassName(, MsgType::WARNING);
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
if (first) {
id = query.lastInsertId();
entity->setProperty(entity->getPrimaryKey(), id);
first = false;
if (!rc || !this->db->commitTransaction()) {
rc = false;
} else {
if (persistRelations) {
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
this->savePostPersistedRelations(entity, mergedObjects,
87739ae0 Christian Ehringfeld
relationsIgnoreHasChanged, true);
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
rc = true;
return rc;

bool EntityManager::merge(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, bool withRelations,
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
const bool validate, const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged) {
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
auto merged = QList<Entity *>();
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
return this->mergeObject(entity, merged, withRelations, validate,
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld

bool EntityManager::create(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
const bool persistRelations, const bool checkDuplicate, const bool validate,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged) {
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
auto merged = QList<Entity *>();
return this->createObject(entity, merged, persistRelations,
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
checkDuplicate, validate, relationsIgnoreHasChanged);
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
3938a37e Christian Ehringfeld
6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::create(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> &entities,
e5a0d313 Christian Ehringfeld
const bool persistRelations, const bool checkDuplicate, const bool validate,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged) {
87739ae0 Christian Ehringfeld
bool ok = true;
auto merged = QList<Entity *>();
foreach (QSharedPointer<Entity> ent, entities) {
e5a0d313 Christian Ehringfeld
this->createObject(ent, merged, persistRelations,
checkDuplicate, validate, relationsIgnoreHasChanged);
87739ae0 Christian Ehringfeld
return ok;

0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::save(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
const bool persistRelations, const bool ignoreHasChanged, const bool validate,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged) {
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
auto merged = QList<Entity *>();
return this->saveObject(entity, merged, persistRelations,
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
ignoreHasChanged, validate, relationsIgnoreHasChanged);
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld

6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::save(QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> &entities,
87739ae0 Christian Ehringfeld
const bool persistRelations, const bool ignoreHasChanged, const bool validate,
const bool relationsIgnoreHasChanged) {
bool ok = true;
139a9b5e Christian Ehringfeld
auto merged = QList<Entity *>();
87739ae0 Christian Ehringfeld
foreach (QSharedPointer<Entity> entity, entities) {
ok = this->saveObject(entity, merged, persistRelations,
ignoreHasChanged, validate, relationsIgnoreHasChanged);
if (!ok) {
6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
* @todo error handling
87739ae0 Christian Ehringfeld
return ok;

9971e7d2 Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::startup(QString version, QStringList toInitialize,
bool createIndices) {
66704054 Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<Entity> dbm = QSharedPointer<DatabaseMigration>
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
(new DatabaseMigration());
1e213c09 Christian Ehringfeld
QHash<QString, QVariant> map = QHash<QString, QVariant>();
d84c91e7 Christian Ehringfeld
bool ok = true;
1e213c09 Christian Ehringfeld
map.insert("version", version);
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
if (!this->schema->getTableNames().contains(dbm->getTablename())) {
42d32a68 Christian Ehringfeld
this->createTable(dbm, true);
e86c23a2 Christian Ehringfeld
d568923d Christian Ehringfeld
if (this->findAllByAttributes(map, dbm->getTablename()).isEmpty()) {
9971e7d2 Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> entities = QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>>();
d568923d Christian Ehringfeld
for (int var = 0; var < toInitialize.size(); ++var) {
d84c91e7 Christian Ehringfeld
if (ok) {
QString c =;
9971e7d2 Christian Ehringfeld
auto entity = QSharedPointer<Entity>
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
2fedfe76 Christian Ehringfeld
ok = this->createTable(entity, false);
9971e7d2 Christian Ehringfeld
d84c91e7 Christian Ehringfeld
} else {
3938a37e Christian Ehringfeld
this->logger->logMsg("startup of version " + version + " failed",
this->logger->logMsg( "erroneous entity:" + (var == 0 ?
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
"null, this should not happen!" : - 1)), MsgType::CRITICAL);
d84c91e7 Christian Ehringfeld
2fedfe76 Christian Ehringfeld
if (ok) {
for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); ++i) {
ok = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->createRelationTables(;
if (!ok) {
if (ok && createIndices) {
9971e7d2 Christian Ehringfeld
for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); ++i) {
ok = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->createIndices(;
2fedfe76 Christian Ehringfeld
if (!ok) {
9971e7d2 Christian Ehringfeld
d84c91e7 Christian Ehringfeld
if (ok) {
42d32a68 Christian Ehringfeld
auto dbmPtr = dbm.objectCast<DatabaseMigration>();
d568923d Christian Ehringfeld
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
d568923d Christian Ehringfeld
d84c91e7 Christian Ehringfeld
return ok;
1e213c09 Christian Ehringfeld

e0e1ead8 Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::executeQuery(const QString &query) {
94bf67c7 Christian Ehringfeld
return this->db->exec(query);
e0e1ead8 Christian Ehringfeld

b0bf458e Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::checkTable(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) {
bool rc = true;
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
if (!this->schema->containsTable(entity->getTablename())
&& this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->createTable(entity)) {
this->schema->getTableSchema(entity->getTablename(), true);
rc = this->schema->getTables().contains(entity->getTablename());
b0bf458e Christian Ehringfeld
return rc;
9d05e414 Christian Ehringfeld
7e233492 Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<Database> EntityManager::getDb() const {
return db;

void EntityManager::setDb(const QSharedPointer<Database> &value) {
db = value;

QSharedPointer<Schema> EntityManager::getSchema() const {
return schema;

4f3b13f3 Christian Ehringfeld
void EntityManager::refresh(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) {
23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
if(entity) {
auto map = this->findByPk(entity->getId(), entity);
this->convert(map, entity, true);
4f3b13f3 Christian Ehringfeld

6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QHash<QString, QVariant>> EntityManager::selectByQuery(Query &query) {
506067a2 Christian Ehringfeld
QSqlQuery q = this->queryInterpreter->build(query);
return this->convertQueryResult(q);

6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QHash<QString, QVariant>> EntityManager::selectBySql(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
const QString &sql) {
506067a2 Christian Ehringfeld
QSqlQuery q = this->db->select(sql);
return this->convertQueryResult(q);

fc14f551 Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::validate(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) {
QList<ValidationRule> rules = entity->validationRules();
QList<ErrorMsg> list = QList<ErrorMsg>();
for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); ++i) {
ValidationRule rule =;
QSharedPointer<Validator> validator = ValidatorFactory::getValidatorObject(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
fc14f551 Christian Ehringfeld
if (validator) {
for (int var = 0; var < rule.getAttributes().size(); ++var) {
QString attr = rule.getAttributes().at(var);
e80feccc Christian Ehringfeld
QList<ErrorMsg> msgs = validator->validate(entity->getProperty(attr),
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
e80feccc Christian Ehringfeld
for (int i = 0; i < msgs.size(); ++i) {
QString emsg ="<property>", attr);
ErrorMsg m =;
fc14f551 Christian Ehringfeld
return !entity->hasErrors();

554f7bc0 Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::hasChanged(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) {
bool changed = true;
8588ecff Christian Ehringfeld
if (entity && entity->getId() > -1) {
554f7bc0 Christian Ehringfeld
changed = false;
auto listmap = this->findByPk(entity->getId(), entity);
auto relations = entity->getRelations();
QStringList rels = QStringList();
for (auto i = relations.constBegin(); i != relations.constEnd(); ++i) {
if (i.value().getType() == RelationType::MANY_TO_ONE
|| (i.value().getType() == RelationType::ONE_TO_ONE
&& i.value().getMappedBy().isEmpty())) {
for (auto i = listmap.constBegin(); i != listmap.constEnd(); ++i) {
if (rels.contains(i.key())) {
QString appendix =
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
554f7bc0 Christian Ehringfeld
QString relKey = i.key();
QVariant v = entity->getProperty(relKey.remove(relKey.size() - appendix.size(),
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
6c14baaf Christian Ehringfeld
if (!v.isNull() && {
8588ecff Christian Ehringfeld
auto e = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariant(v);
if (e && e->getProperty(e->getPrimaryKey()) != i.value()) {
554f7bc0 Christian Ehringfeld
changed = true;
} else {
QVariant property = entity->getProperty(i.key());
6c14baaf Christian Ehringfeld
changed = i.value() != property;
554f7bc0 Christian Ehringfeld
if (changed) {
return changed;

7e233492 Christian Ehringfeld
QString EntityManager::createConnection() {
QStringList l = EntityManager::getConnectionNames();
QString conName = "";
bool ok = false;
qint16 i = 0;
while (!ok) {
if (l.contains("con" + QString::number(i))) {
} else {
l.append("con" + QString::number(i));
ok = true;
conName = "con" + QString::number(i);
return conName;

void EntityManager::removeConnectionName(const QString &name) {

f5087482 Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<Entity> EntityManager::findById(const qint64 &id,
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<Entity> &e,
const bool refresh) {
2d9fab10 Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<Entity> r;
3214951e Christian Ehringfeld
if (e && (refresh || !(r = this->cache.get(id, EntityHelper::getClassname( {
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
auto map = this->findByPk(id, e);
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
r = this->convert(map, EntityHelper::getClassname(, refresh);
2d9fab10 Christian Ehringfeld
return r;

e0e1ead8 Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<Entity> EntityManager::findById(const qint64 &id,
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
const QString &classname) {
f5087482 Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<Entity> e = QSharedPointer<Entity>
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
2d9fab10 Christian Ehringfeld
return this->findById(id, e);

e0e1ead8 Christian Ehringfeld
void EntityManager::manyToOne(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
const QVariant &id,
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
Attribute *&attr, const bool refresh) {
a06633f7 Christian Ehringfeld
qint64 convertedId = -1;
bool ok = false;
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
if ((convertedId = id.toLongLong(&ok)) && ok && convertedId > -1) {
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
QString className = attr->getRelatedClass()->className();
706de2e8 Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<Entity> ptr = QSharedPointer<Entity>();
4f3b13f3 Christian Ehringfeld
if (refresh || !(this->cache.contains(convertedId, className)
6bd57432 Christian Ehringfeld
&& (ptr = this->cache.get(convertedId, className)))) {
706de2e8 Christian Ehringfeld
ptr = this->findById(convertedId, className);
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
EntityHelper::setProperty(entity, ptr, attr->getMetaProperty());
a06633f7 Christian Ehringfeld

e0e1ead8 Christian Ehringfeld
void EntityManager::oneToMany(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
Attribute *&attr, const bool refresh) {
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
if ( && entity->getId() > -1) {
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
auto e = QSharedPointer<Entity>(EntityInstanceFactory::createInstance(attr));
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
if (e) {
31ca3a70 Christian Ehringfeld
QSqlQuery q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->oneToMany(attr->getRelatedTable(),
attr->getRelatedColumnName(), entity->getId());
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
auto listMap = this->convertQueryResult(q);
66704054 Christian Ehringfeld
auto entities = this->convert(listMap, EntityHelper::getClassname(,
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
EntityHelper::setListProperty(entity, entities, attr->getMetaProperty());
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
706de2e8 Christian Ehringfeld
a06633f7 Christian Ehringfeld
c599658a Christian Ehringfeld
e0e1ead8 Christian Ehringfeld
void EntityManager::oneToOne(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
Attribute *&attr, const bool refresh,
c599658a Christian Ehringfeld
const QVariant &id) {
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
if (attr->getRelation().getMappedBy().isEmpty()) {
this->manyToOne(entity, id, attr);
c599658a Christian Ehringfeld
} else {
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
auto e = QSharedPointer<Entity>(EntityInstanceFactory::createInstance(attr));
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
if (e) {
QSqlQuery q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->oneToMany(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
entity->getProperty(entity->getPrimaryKey()).toLongLong(), 1);
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
auto listMap = this->convertQueryResult(q);
66704054 Christian Ehringfeld
auto entities = this->convert(listMap, EntityHelper::getClassname(,
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
if (!entities.isEmpty()) {
QSharedPointer<Entity> ptr =;
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
EntityHelper::setProperty(entity, ptr, attr->getMetaProperty());
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
c599658a Christian Ehringfeld

df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
void EntityManager::savePrePersistedRelations(const QSharedPointer<Entity>
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
&entity, QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects, bool ignoreHasChanged) {
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
auto relations = EntityHelper::getRelationProperties(;
4f3b13f3 Christian Ehringfeld
auto iterator = relations.constBegin();
while (iterator != relations.constEnd()) {
const Relation r = iterator.key();
auto var = iterator.value().read(;
5757762e Christian Ehringfeld
if(!var.isNull() && {
if (r.getType() == RelationType::MANY_TO_ONE) {
auto e = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariant(var);
if (e && this->shouldBeSaved(e, r)) {
this->saveObject(e, mergedObjects, true, ignoreHasChanged);
auto fkProp = EntityHelper::mappedProperty(r, e);
if (fkProp.isValid()) {
EntityHelper::addEntityToListProperty(e, entity, fkProp);
} else if (r.getType() == RelationType::ONE_TO_ONE
&& r.getMappedBy().isEmpty()) {
auto e = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariant(var);
if(e) {
this->saveObject(e, mergedObjects, true, ignoreHasChanged);
auto prop = EntityHelper::mappedProperty(r, e);
EntityHelper::setProperty(e, entity, prop);
23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
e24791d7 Christian Ehringfeld
5757762e Christian Ehringfeld
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld

void EntityManager::savePostPersistedRelations(const QSharedPointer<Entity>
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
&entity, QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects, bool ignoreHasChanged, bool newItem) {
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
auto relations = EntityHelper::getRelationProperties(;
f27ac316 Christian Ehringfeld
for (auto i = relations.constBegin(); i != relations.constEnd(); ++i) {
const Relation r = i.key();
auto var = i.value().read(;
23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
if (r.getType() == RelationType::MANY_TO_MANY) {
this->persistManyToMany(entity, r, var, mergedObjects, ignoreHasChanged,
} else if (r.getType() == RelationType::ONE_TO_MANY) {
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> list = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariantList(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
auto fkProp = EntityHelper::mappedProperty(r,;
for (int var = 0; var < list.size(); ++var) {
auto e =;
5757762e Christian Ehringfeld
if (e && this->shouldBeSaved(e, r)) {
23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
EntityHelper::setProperty(e, entity, fkProp);
this->saveObject(e, mergedObjects, true, ignoreHasChanged);
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
} else if (r.getType() == RelationType::ONE_TO_ONE
&& !r.getMappedBy().isEmpty()) {
auto e = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariant(var);
if(e) {
auto fkProp = EntityHelper::mappedProperty(r, e);
EntityHelper::setProperty(e, entity, fkProp);
this->saveObject(e, mergedObjects, true, ignoreHasChanged);
4f3b13f3 Christian Ehringfeld
91ed1164 Christian Ehringfeld

6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
void EntityManager::persistMappedByRelation(const QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>>
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
&list, QSqlQuery &q, const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
const QSharedPointer<Entity> &ptr, const Relation &r,
const QString &tblName, QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects) {
91ed1164 Christian Ehringfeld
66704054 Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> saved =
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::ALL) ||
r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::MERGE) ||
r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::PERSIST) ?
this->saveRelationEntities(list, r, mergedObjects) : list;
719a0ba1 Christian Ehringfeld
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
auto builder = this->schema->getQueryBuilder();
q = builder->manyToManyInsert(tblName,
d27d606d Christian Ehringfeld
builder->generateManyToManyColumnName(entity, r.getPropertyName()),
builder->generateManyToManyColumnName(ptr, r.getMappedBy()));
b5d490c7 Christian Ehringfeld
q.bindValue(0, entity->getProperty(entity->getPrimaryKey()));
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
auto prop = EntityHelper::mappedProperty(r, ptr);
3fd96253 Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<Entity> item;
e24791d7 Christian Ehringfeld
for (int var = 0; var < saved.size(); ++var) {
3fd96253 Christian Ehringfeld
item =;
b5d490c7 Christian Ehringfeld
if (item->getProperty(item->getPrimaryKey()).toLongLong() > -1) {
q.bindValue(1, item->getProperty(ptr->getPrimaryKey()));
66704054 Christian Ehringfeld
bool ok = this->db->exec(q);
e332a521 Christian Ehringfeld
if (ok) {
c9e79b83 Christian Ehringfeld
EntityHelper::addEntityToListProperty(item, entity, prop);
e24791d7 Christian Ehringfeld
91ed1164 Christian Ehringfeld
719a0ba1 Christian Ehringfeld
if (!this->db->commitTransaction()) {
4f3b13f3 Christian Ehringfeld
a06633f7 Christian Ehringfeld
28d2f01a Christian Ehringfeld
QString EntityManager::generateObjectName() {
int i = 0;
QString name = "em[";
while (true) {
if (!EntityManager::instances.contains(name + QString::number(i) + "]")) {
name += QString::number(i) + "]";
return name;

void EntityManager::appendToInstanceList() {
EntityManager::instances.insert(this->objectName(), this);
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
28d2f01a Christian Ehringfeld
QHash<QString, EntityManager *> EntityManager::getInstances() {
return instances;

EntityManager *EntityManager::getDefaultInstance() {
6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
auto keys = EntityManager::instances.uniqueKeys();
if(!keys.isEmpty()) {
return EntityManager::instances.value(keys.first());
28d2f01a Christian Ehringfeld
return nullptr;

EntityManager *EntityManager::getInstance(QString name) {
if (EntityManager::instances.contains(name)) {
return EntityManager::instances.value(name);
return nullptr;

e24791d7 Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::shouldBeSaved(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
const Relation &r) {
5757762e Christian Ehringfeld
return entity && (r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::ALL)
3214951e Christian Ehringfeld
|| (entity->getProperty(entity->getPrimaryKey()) > -1
&& r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::MERGE))
|| (entity->getProperty(entity->getPrimaryKey()) <= -1
&& r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::PERSIST)));
e24791d7 Christian Ehringfeld

void EntityManager::removeRelations(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) {
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
auto props = EntityHelper::getRelationProperties(;
f27ac316 Christian Ehringfeld
for (auto i = props.constBegin(); i != props.constEnd(); ++i) {
const Relation r = i.key();
auto property = i.value();
2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld
auto var =;
da565582 Christian Ehringfeld
if (r.getType() == RelationType::MANY_TO_MANY) {
2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld
this->removeManyToManyEntityList(entity, r, var);
da565582 Christian Ehringfeld
} else if (r.getType() == RelationType::ONE_TO_MANY) {
if (r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::REMOVE)
|| r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::ALL)) {
2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld
} else {
this->setNullOneToManyRelation(var, r);
da565582 Christian Ehringfeld
} else if (r.getType() == RelationType::MANY_TO_ONE
|| r.getType() == RelationType::MANY_TO_ONE) {
2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld
this->setNullEntityPropertyRelation(var, r);
e24791d7 Christian Ehringfeld

2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld
void EntityManager::setNullOneToManyRelation(QVariant &var, const Relation &r) {
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
if (!r.getMappedBy().isEmpty() && !var.isNull()
&& var.canConvert<QVariantList>()) {
auto list = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariantList(var);
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
auto metas = EntityHelper::getMetaProperties(;
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
if (metas.contains(r.getMappedBy())) {
for (int var = 0; var < list.size(); ++var) {
auto entity =;
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
EntityHelper::setProperty(entity, QSharedPointer<Entity>(),
42d32a68 Christian Ehringfeld
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld

void EntityManager::setNullEntityPropertyRelation(QVariant &var,
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
const Relation &r) {
da565582 Christian Ehringfeld
if (r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::REMOVE)
|| r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::ALL)) {
2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld
6c14baaf Christian Ehringfeld
} else if (!r.getMappedBy().isEmpty() && {
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
auto e = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariant(var);
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
auto metas = EntityHelper::getMetaProperties(;
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
if (metas.contains(r.getMappedBy())) {
66704054 Christian Ehringfeld
EntityHelper::setProperty(e, QSharedPointer<Entity>(),
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld

void EntityManager::removeEntity(QVariant &var) {
6c14baaf Christian Ehringfeld
if ( {
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
auto e = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariant(var);
6c14baaf Christian Ehringfeld
if(e) {
2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld

void EntityManager::removeEntityList(QVariant &var) {
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
if (var.canConvert<QVariantList>()) {
auto list = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariantList(var);
2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld
for (int var = 0; var < list.size(); ++var) {
auto entity =;

void EntityManager::removeManyToManyEntityList(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &e,
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
const Relation &r,
QVariant &var) {
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
if (!var.isNull() && var.canConvert<QVariantList>()) {
auto list = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariantList(var);
2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
auto builder = this->schema->getQueryBuilder();
2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld
auto ptr =;
09b2592d Christian Ehringfeld
QString tblName = builder->generateManyToManyTableName(e, ptr, r);
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
if (this->schema->getTables().contains(tblName)) {
QSqlQuery q = builder->manyToManyDelete(
d27d606d Christian Ehringfeld
tblName, builder->generateManyToManyColumnName(e, r.getPropertyName()),
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
48245e6a Christian Ehringfeld
if (this->db->exec(q)) {
bool refresh = r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::REFRESH)
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
|| r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::ALL);
48245e6a Christian Ehringfeld
bool remove = r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::REMOVE)
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
|| r.getCascadeType().contains(CascadeType::ALL);
48245e6a Christian Ehringfeld
auto fkProp = EntityHelper::mappedProperty(r, ptr);
2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld
for (int var = 0; var < list.size(); ++var) {
auto entity =;
if (remove) {
} else if (refresh) {
48245e6a Christian Ehringfeld
EntityHelper::removeEntityFromListProperty(entity, e, fkProp);
2075db87 Christian Ehringfeld

e24791d7 Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> EntityManager::saveRelationEntities(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
const QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> &list, const Relation &r,
QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects) {
e24791d7 Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> saved = QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>>();
91ed1164 Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<Entity> ptr;
for (int var = 0; var < list.size(); ++var) {
ptr =;
0d155b40 Christian Ehringfeld
if ((this->shouldBeSaved(ptr, r) && this->saveObject(ptr, mergedObjects))
a473cd61 Christian Ehringfeld
|| ptr->getProperty(ptr->getPrimaryKey()).toLongLong() > -1) {
e24791d7 Christian Ehringfeld
91ed1164 Christian Ehringfeld
e24791d7 Christian Ehringfeld
return saved;
91ed1164 Christian Ehringfeld
98b5b08d Christian Ehringfeld
void EntityManager::persistManyToMany(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
d2bebf1b Christian Ehringfeld
const Relation &r, QVariant &property, QList<Entity *> &mergedObjects,
87739ae0 Christian Ehringfeld
const bool ignoreHasChanged, const bool newItem) {
f6a3fe0a Christian Ehringfeld
auto list = property.value<QList<QVariant>>();
23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
auto ptr = QSharedPointer<Entity>(EntityInstanceFactory::createInstance(
auto builder = this->schema->getQueryBuilder();
QString tblName = builder->generateManyToManyTableName(entity, ptr, r);
if (this->schema->containsTable(tblName)) {
bool ok = newItem;
QSqlQuery q;
if (!newItem) {
* @todo diff and remove entity from relational object when association is deleted
q = builder->manyToManyDelete(
d27d606d Christian Ehringfeld
tblName, builder->generateManyToManyColumnName(entity, r.getPropertyName()),
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
ok = this->db->exec(q);
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
} else {
23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
q = builder->getQuery();
if (ok && !list.isEmpty() && {
auto nList = EntityInstanceFactory::castQVariantList(property);
this->persistMappedByRelation(nList, q, entity, ptr, r, tblName, mergedObjects);
98b5b08d Christian Ehringfeld
23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
} else {
this->missingManyToManyTable(tblName, entity, r);
98b5b08d Christian Ehringfeld

66704054 Christian Ehringfeld
void EntityManager::missingManyToManyTable(const QString &tblName,
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
const QSharedPointer<Entity> &e, const Relation &r) {
b3c9a8bf Christian Ehringfeld
QString text = "MANY_TO_MANY Table " + tblName + " is missing.\n" +
"Entity " + EntityHelper::getClassName( +
" is affected.\n" + "Relation of property: " + r.getPropertyName();
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
throw QString(text);
this->logger->logMsg(text, MsgType::CRITICAL);
66704054 Christian Ehringfeld
98b5b08d Christian Ehringfeld
e0e1ead8 Christian Ehringfeld
void EntityManager::manyToMany(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
95a2ba7e Christian Ehringfeld
Attribute *&attr, const bool refresh) {
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<Entity> secEntityPtr = QSharedPointer<Entity>
95a2ba7e Christian Ehringfeld
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
auto builder = this->schema->getQueryBuilder();
95a2ba7e Christian Ehringfeld
EntityHelper::clearEntityListProperty(entity, attr->getMetaProperty());
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
if (secEntityPtr) {
95a2ba7e Christian Ehringfeld
if (this->schema->getTables().contains(attr->getTableName())) {
QSqlQuery q = builder->manyToMany(attr->getConjunctedTable(),
2ce163c3 Christian Ehringfeld
c599658a Christian Ehringfeld
auto listMap = this->convertQueryResult(q);
95a2ba7e Christian Ehringfeld
auto secClassName = attr->getRelatedClass()->className();
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<Entity> e;
2ce163c3 Christian Ehringfeld
for (int var = 0; var < listMap.size(); ++var) {
95a2ba7e Christian Ehringfeld
auto id =>getRelatedColumnName());
b3c9a8bf Christian Ehringfeld
if (refresh || !(this->cache.contains(id.toLongLong(), secClassName) &&
(e = this->cache.get(id.toLongLong(), secClassName)))) {
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
e = this->findById(id.toLongLong(), secClassName);
9d62f4aa Christian Ehringfeld
66704054 Christian Ehringfeld
if (e) {
95a2ba7e Christian Ehringfeld
EntityHelper::addEntityToListProperty(entity, e, attr->getMetaProperty());
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
e = QSharedPointer<Entity>();
2ce163c3 Christian Ehringfeld
f9cef58f Christian Ehringfeld
c599658a Christian Ehringfeld
} else {
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
this->missingManyToManyTable(attr->getConjunctedTable(), entity, attr->getRelation());
c599658a Christian Ehringfeld
706de2e8 Christian Ehringfeld
a06633f7 Christian Ehringfeld

6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> EntityManager::findEntityByAttributes(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
const QSharedPointer<Entity>
bool ignoreID) {
1e213c09 Christian Ehringfeld
auto maps = this->findAllByAttributes(entity, ignoreID);
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
return this->convert(maps, EntityHelper::getClassname(;
7e233492 Christian Ehringfeld

6d91d381 Christian Ehringfeld
QHash<QString, QVariant> EntityManager::findByPk(qint64 id,
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
const QSharedPointer<Entity>
&e) {
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
QSqlQuery q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->find(id, e, 0,
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
706de2e8 Christian Ehringfeld
auto listMap = this->convertQueryResult(q);
if (!listMap.isEmpty()) {
7e233492 Christian Ehringfeld
706de2e8 Christian Ehringfeld
return QHash<QString, QVariant>();
7e233492 Christian Ehringfeld

f4e3904b Christian Ehringfeld
6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QHash<QString, QVariant>> EntityManager::findAllByAttributes(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
const QSharedPointer<Entity>
bool ignoreID) {
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
QSqlQuery q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->findByAttributes(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
entity, ignoreID);
dc6b13b4 Christian Ehringfeld
return this->convertQueryResult(q);

6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QHash <QString, QVariant>> EntityManager::findAllByAttributes(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
const QHash<QString, QVariant> &m, const QString &tblname, bool ignoreID) {
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
QSqlQuery q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->findByAttributes(m,
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
tblname, ignoreID);
7e233492 Christian Ehringfeld
return this->convertQueryResult(q);

6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QHash<QString, QVariant>> EntityManager::convertQueryResult(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
QSqlQuery &q) {
6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QHash <QString, QVariant>> listmap = QList<QHash <QString, QVariant>>();
7e233492 Christian Ehringfeld
QSqlRecord rec = q.record();
QStringList l = QStringList();
qint16 field_count = rec.count();
for (int var = 0; var < field_count; ++var) {
QHash<QString, QVariant> map = QHash<QString, QVariant>();
while ( {
for (int var = 0; var < field_count; ++var) {
map.insert(, q.value(rec.indexOf(;
return listmap;

6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QHash <QString, QVariant>> EntityManager::findAll(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
const QSharedPointer<Entity> &e) {
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
QSqlQuery q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->findAll(e);
7e233492 Christian Ehringfeld
return this->convertQueryResult(q);
b0b8dac3 Christian Ehringfeld
e0e1ead8 Christian Ehringfeld
void EntityManager::resolveRelations(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
4f3b13f3 Christian Ehringfeld
const QHash<QString, QVariant> &map, const bool refresh) {
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
auto props = EntityHelper::getRelationProperties(;
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
for (auto iterator = props.constBegin(); iterator != props.constEnd(); ++iterator) {
2d9fab10 Christian Ehringfeld
const Relation r = iterator.key();
const QMetaProperty property = iterator.value();
95a2ba7e Christian Ehringfeld
auto attr = this->ar->resolveAttribute(entity->getClassname(), r.getPropertyName(),
QString colName = attr->getColumnName();
a06633f7 Christian Ehringfeld
switch (r.getType()) {
da565582 Christian Ehringfeld
case RelationType::MANY_TO_ONE:
df1e56bd Christian Ehringfeld
if (map.contains(colName)) {
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
this->manyToOne(entity, map.value(colName), attr, refresh);
a06633f7 Christian Ehringfeld
da565582 Christian Ehringfeld
case RelationType::MANY_TO_MANY:
95a2ba7e Christian Ehringfeld
this->manyToMany(entity, attr, refresh);
a06633f7 Christian Ehringfeld
da565582 Christian Ehringfeld
case RelationType::ONE_TO_MANY:
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
this->oneToMany(entity, attr, refresh);
a06633f7 Christian Ehringfeld
da565582 Christian Ehringfeld
case RelationType::ONE_TO_ONE:
be2e9500 Christian Ehringfeld
this->oneToOne(entity, attr, refresh, map.value(colName));
a06633f7 Christian Ehringfeld

dc6b13b4 Christian Ehringfeld
qint64 EntityManager::findId(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) {
qint64 r = -1;
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
QSqlQuery q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->findId(entity);
dc6b13b4 Christian Ehringfeld
if ( {
r = q.value(0).toLongLong();
return r;

586bb527 Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::remove(QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity) {
7e233492 Christian Ehringfeld
bool rc = false;
e24791d7 Christian Ehringfeld
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
auto queries = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->remove(entity);
66704054 Christian Ehringfeld
bool ok = this->db->exec(queries);
95b60eb2 Christian Ehringfeld
if (ok && this->db->commitTransaction()) {
9070a496 Christian Ehringfeld
586bb527 Christian Ehringfeld
7e233492 Christian Ehringfeld
rc = true;
66704054 Christian Ehringfeld
} else {
7e233492 Christian Ehringfeld
return rc;
b0b8dac3 Christian Ehringfeld
8306a974 Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::removeAll(QString tblname) {
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
return this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->removeAll(tblname).exec();
8306a974 Christian Ehringfeld

b7446f4c Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::createTable(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity,
bool createRelationTables) {
abb9e8c5 Christian Ehringfeld
return this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->createTable(entity,
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
9c2f773f Christian Ehringfeld

0ec1cbfb Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::createTable(QString className, bool createRelationTables) {
QSharedPointer<Entity> e = QSharedPointer<Entity>
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
0ec1cbfb Christian Ehringfeld
return this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->createTable(e, createRelationTables);

23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
bool EntityManager::removeTable(QString className) {
return this->executeQuery(this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->dropTable(className));

95d9cf46 Christian Ehringfeld
quint32 EntityManager::count(const QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, bool ignoreID,
87739ae0 Christian Ehringfeld
bool followInheritance) {
Query q = Query();
auto qb = this->schema->getQueryBuilder();
QHash<QString, QVariant> values;
if (followInheritance) {
values = EntityHelper::getEntityAttributes(EntityHelper::getMetaProperties(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld, entity);
87739ae0 Christian Ehringfeld
} else {
values = EntityHelper::getEntityAttributes(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
EntityHelper::getNonInheritedMetaProperties(, entity);
87739ae0 Christian Ehringfeld
//maybe filter MANY_TO_MANY and ONE_TO_MANY relations
q.appendWhere(qb->where(values, qb->andKeyword(), ignoreID,
entity->getPrimaryKey(), false));
return this->count(q);

95d9cf46 Christian Ehringfeld
quint32 EntityManager::count(const QString &tableName) {
dc6b13b4 Christian Ehringfeld
qint8 rc = -1;
87739ae0 Christian Ehringfeld
QSqlQuery q = this->schema->getQueryBuilder()->count(tableName);
dc6b13b4 Christian Ehringfeld
if ( {
rc = q.value(0).toInt();
return rc;

95d9cf46 Christian Ehringfeld
quint32 EntityManager::count(Query &query) {
87739ae0 Christian Ehringfeld
qint8 rc = 0;
QSqlQuery q = this->queryInterpreter->build(query);
dc6b13b4 Christian Ehringfeld
if ( {
rc = q.value(0).toInt();
return rc;

586bb527 Christian Ehringfeld
void EntityManager::setConnectionNames(QStringList list) {
EntityManager::connectionNames = list;
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
QSharedPointer<Entity> EntityManager::convert(const QHash<QString, QVariant>
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
const char *classname, const bool refresh, const bool resolveRelations) {
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
auto ptr = QSharedPointer<Entity>(EntityInstanceFactory::createInstance(
classname, map));
c9f21778 Christian Ehringfeld
if (resolveRelations) {
this->resolveRelations(ptr, map, refresh);
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
return ptr;

23337ecc Christian Ehringfeld
void EntityManager::convert(const QHash<QString, QVariant> &map,
QSharedPointer<Entity> &entity, const bool refresh, const bool resolveRelations) {
auto data =;
EntityInstanceFactory::setAttributes(data, map);
if (resolveRelations) {
this->resolveRelations(entity, map, refresh);

6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>> EntityManager::convert(
70e3d0c6 Christian Ehringfeld
QList<QHash<QString, QVariant>> maps,
const char *classname, const bool refresh, const bool resolveRelations) {
6be60ddf Christian Ehringfeld
auto list = QList<QSharedPointer<Entity>>();
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
for (int var = 0; var < maps.size(); ++var) {
c9f21778 Christian Ehringfeld
auto ptr = this->convert(, classname, refresh, resolveRelations);
e8d1537c Christian Ehringfeld
return list;